18 (jeongchan)

504 11 2

innie 🦊 💕
can we talk?

chan look at his phone smiling. he was happy that jeongin wants to talk to him.


innie 🦊 💕
but i'm not ready to face you.. can we talk on the call?

chan's smile faded away. he is not ready to face me but want to talk? chan thought that in his head but decided to accept it.

sure that's fine anyway :).

jeongin took a deep breath. he is actually not ready to face him. he is scared that he will embarrassed himself. it's been a month which felt like a year since they saw each other.

innie 🦊💕






"hey chan!"

chan frowned as he immediately noticed that jeongin is not using how he used to call him.

"uh what do you want to talk about..?"

*sigh* "i want to talk about that day.."

"that day..? oh yeah"

"uhm.. i don't know how to say this but. can we just ugh.. remain as friends?"

"so that means you want to break up with me..?"

"uh i mean we can still take a break from a relationship but while the break is still going, can we be friends?"

"yeah sure, that makes sense."

"nice! oh by the way.. did the schedule get settle or..?"

"yeah it just got changed today which why we are so happy about"

"i'm so proud of you chan! i bet you did a great job!"

"yeah i did.."

"chan you okay? did i do something wrong? did you not want to be friends with me?"

"no it's nothing wrong!"

" i pretty there is something wrong.. what's wrong?"

*sobs* "innie i miss you so much.."

jeongin was shocked when he heard him sobbing through the phone and his confession. he also miss him too but was scare  to admit it.

*sigh* "i miss you too chan, but i still want a break"


jeongin took his phone away from his ear and saw that chan has hang up. he got worried.

he is happy that he finally get to talk to chan but sad that he decided to be friends. he told his friends what happen. they told him he got two options "you got two options and they are be friends or in a relationship with him."

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