33 (end)

503 8 10

third person pov

jisung make it to his dorm and took several deep breaths. he grab his phone that he hasn't turned on since yesterday. he turned it on and look at his screen.

86 missed calls from min hyung💝

127 messages from min hyung💝

jisung sighed and watched netflix on his phone instead of replying or calling him back.

after 2 hours of watching netflix jisung got a called from minho. he was hesitating if he should answer it or not. so he did.




"you okay?"

"yeah why?"

"nothing haha, so congratulations on your award! it must be really exciting!"

"yeah it is.. hey minho hyung, can we talk in person? i wanna tell you something."

"sure! where and when?"

"uh like tomorrow at yellow district cafe at 12?"

"that'll work for me! oh, i need to go, bye! love you!"


jisung hang up the call and started tearing up, "he sounds so happy, i don't want to ruin that." jisung knew that he is minho's happiness because minho always say that.

jisung continued watching netflix until he got bored.


it's finally the next day and it's 10 in the morning when jisung woke up. he started getting ready for the meeting with minho. he wore a write shirt with a black and white flannel and a dark blue jeans and white shoes. before leaving he put his mask on and also a hat on.

he went to the destination and arrived there. he look around the place to look for minho and he spotted him. he went to the table and take a seat across him.

"hey" jisung said making minho look up and smiled making jisung's heart clench. "hey sungie~! how are you?" minho said feeling happy seeing jisung.

"i'm doing fine, what about you?" jisung answered calmly. "oh i was doing fine but felt joyful after seeing you!" minho teased and jisung blush and laughed a little making minho confused, because when he said something like that jisung would blush hardly and start hitting him.

"are you okay?" minho asked, he is really worried for jisung. jisung sighed. "minho hyung, i want to tell you something." jisung said feel like tearing up. minho noticed that jisung wasn't calling him "min" which makes him more worried.

"what is it?" minho asked trying to stay calm. "minho hyung i don't think it's working now, yes i do really love you so much but i think it's for the best, i'm sorry but this is making tired and stressful." jisung look up to see minho tearing up.

"i swear i really love you so much but i thought that i should do this because of what's going on now and more and more people are becoming against us because-" jisung got cut off by minho "no! i-i can fix t-this i promise! p-please d-dont do th-this i don't wanna l-lose you!" minho sobbed and begged jisung and reached out for his head.

the crown prince and the human |minsungWhere stories live. Discover now