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third person pov

minho was on his way to the company to see jisung obviously. he bought jisung's favorite drink and cheesecake. he was so excited to see him because they haven't seen each other for 24 hours.

once minho reach to the company he went inside and as usual people stood up and bowed.

minho went to the room where jisung is. he went inside and smiled when he saw jisung but it seems like jisung was to focused on his work.

minho pouted and went to sit next to him but jisung still hasn't noticed him. they have been together for a week now and minho has been visiting jisung everyday and jisung loves it.

"jisungie..." minho spoke with a soft tone but it startle jisung. jisung quickly look at minho and sigh with relief.

"gosh minho you scare me i thought you were some intruder!!" jisung whined. minho chuckle and smile at jisung.

"well you weren't paying attention to your surroundings.." minho caressed jisung's cheeks and jisung leaned into his touch.

jisung smiled "good morning" minho chuckled at jisung's random words.

"good morning sungie.." minho replied back.

(1 hour later)

minho is getting bored as jisung is really focused on his work.

"are you almost done?" minho asked for the 100 million times. jisung turned to him and responded a "no" with a annoyed tone.

minho didn't know he was getting more annoyed so he kept asking him every 5-10 minutes until jisung got angry.

"if you are gonna keep asking me that, why can't you get out of here and let me work in peace!?" jisung yelled as his tones get more louder. minho felt bad and kept silent.

jisung realized what he has said and regret it. he heard a sniff of crying so he turned to the sound and felt heart wrenching to see his view.

minho was looking down at his lap, biting his lips holding onto the tears.

jisung felt really bad for yelling at him for a small thing. "i'm sorry" jisung apologize with a soft sad tone. he cupped minho's cheeks and lifted his head up so jisung can see his face.

minho's eyes were covered in red and tears and some tears on his cheeks. jisung got more sad and upset of himself.

"i'm sorry.." jisung apologize again. minho shook his head no "no i-i should b-be s-sorry b-because i made y-you mad" minho said looking down while tearing up. jisung got angry for himself again.

"look at me" jisung said his hands still cupping minho's cheeks. minho slowly averted his eyes to his.

jisung leaned in and give a peck to his tear that was just rolling down. jisung kissed his lips with love and regret for yelling at him. minho kissed him back reassuring him that it's his fault.

jisung pulled away for air and softly smiling looking at him. minho was melting at the expression jisung is giving him.

after work they were on their way to jisung's dorm. minho decided to stay over because he barely sleep without jisung.

when they reach it to his dorm, jisung opened the door and went inside while minho just followed him.

"HAN PERFECT TIMING FOR YOU- oh hello prince lee" changbin stopped himself when he saw jisung glaring at him.

the crown prince and the human |minsungWhere stories live. Discover now