25 (seungjin)

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seungmin's pov

i have a all day and night shift at my job so i won't see hyunjin for a day. i was really tired and i hated my job. i worked at a grocery store that opens 24 hours. i dranked my 6th coffee and eat some snacks that i brought. i checked each stalls to restore the stuffs that needs more stuffs.

when i finished restoring i went back to my another position which is cashier. basically i'm the bosses favorite that means i have more than one position in my job, but i hate the boss. when it was finally passed morning, i checked the time and it's almost 10 am which is the time for me to leave. he was getting his stuff ready to leave and he checked the time again and my shift ended until.

"kim seungmin!" my coworker shouted at me making me turning around. "yes?" i asked probably know what's next. "the boss said that you need to work 3 more hours." my coworker said making me groan.

this happened sometimes when i was getting ready to leave. so i went back and put my stuff down and went back to work.

(3 1/2 hours later)

i stretched making my bones cracked. i sighed as i'm finally leaving my work and go straight home. i have an apartment and i live with hyunjin. i went to the cafe and order a drink and food. when i finished my lunch i throw it into the garbage can and went back home.

when i finally reached to my front door in the hallway, i typed the code in then the door unlocked, i opened the door and welcomed with silence. i closed the door and took my shoes off and hanged my jacket. i went in the kitchen to grab some water and drink it until i felt arms around my waist.

i turned my head and saw hyunjin. "hey jinnie" i said softly as hyunjin kissed my neck. "i miss you so much let's go cuddle." hyunjin mumbled making me hummed nodding. hyunjin grabbed my wrist and dragged us to our share bedroom. hyunjin and i laid down on the bed and hyunjin turned to me wrapping his arms and legs around me making me smile.

"clingy huh?" i teased as hyunjin pouted. "you've been gone forever." hyunjin said laying his head on my chest as i play with hyunjin's hair. "i missed you too" i said as i wrapped my arms around hyunjin's shoulders. i drifted to sleep because he is so tired of my job while hyunjin is just admiring me then went to sleep.

not long after i woke up. i woke up not so long after because of the amount of coffee i had. i was still tired but i couldn't go back to sleep so i stayed awake and looked down to hyunjin to see him sleeping. i frowned when i saw small eye bags under hyunjin's eyes, i sighed "he must stayed up all night then."

i then remembered something, hyunjin stayed up all night because i wasn't there with him. i remembered what hyunjin said when he first confessed to me.

seungmin went to the park where he first hangout with hyunjin. he was excited and nervous at the same time. he finally reached to his destination and looked around for hyunjin. when he finally saw hyunjin, he smiled and run to him "hey hyunjin!" seungmin yelled waving making hyunjin looked up to him. seungmin felt flutter again of hyunjin's looks even he saw it a million times. what flutter him is his hair. his black wavy hair making him blush.

hyunjin gulped "h-hey seungmin.." hyunjin said nervously making seungmin worried and confused. "are you okay?" seungmin asked and hyunjin nodded "i need to confessed something" hyunjin started. "kim seungmin, i like- no.. i love you so much that i couldn't sleep without you. you make me feel the feeling that i love that feeling. you make me fall for you even more every time when i saw you, your smile makes my heart flutter. i want to show you all my love for you seungmin." hyunjin sighed.

"kim seungmin... will you be my boyfriend?" hyunjin finally said making seungmin teared up. "y-yes" seungmin finally accepted his confession. hyunjin smiled so widely that seungmin never saw before. hyunjin hugged him so tight and repeating "thank you" over and over.

seungmin giggled as he hugged hyunjin back, hyunjin pulled away and cupped seungmin's cheeks as he leaned in and kissed seungmin's lips full of love and thankfulness. seungmin was shocked but kissed him back.

"ewww their sharing cooties!!!" one little girl said as he pointed at the new couple that just pulled away. seungmin blushed as hyunjin smiled at the little girl.

no matter how much i always think about that day it's really my favorite day. i noticed that hyunjin is moving around. hyunjin worked up and looked up at me. he smirked as the thought came in his mind making me confused why is he smirking.

"why are you making that face?" i asked as hyunjin brought his body so his face is in front of me. "well since you look really exhausted.. you wanna controlled over me?" hyunjin said smirking as i hit his arm.

"gosh we just woke up and your already horny." i said frustrating making hyunjin giggle. i look at the giggling boy and smirked "to be honest that's a good idea" i said teasing back making hyunjin choked on his saliva. "w-what.?" hyunjin asked nervously whether if i was choking or not.

third person pov

"so.. want me to control you or..?" seungmin asked making hyunjin blushed badly. hyunjin slowly nodded as he felt his pants tighten. seungmin looked down and saw a huge tent. seungmin chuckle "okay.. but not now.." seungmin's said testing hyunjin patience. hyunjin widened his eyes regretting saying that "b-but.. w-hy n-not now?" hyunjin stuttered and get closer to seungmin and starting to grind on seungmin's thigh.

"fine i'll fix your issue down there." seungmin said as he hovered over hyunjin and started kissing his lips.

after that hyunjin finally felt relieved as seungmin was tired after doing his job. hyunjin hugged seungmin "hyunjin i feel even more sticky." seungmin whined as hyunjin giggle. seungmin get up and grab more wipes and cleaned themselves. they have to sleep in another room. seungmin dressed himself and hyunjin up and carried hyunjin to another room. seungmin put the bed sheets in the washer.

he went back to the room and laid next to hyunjin and wrapped his arms around him. "seungminnie.. my butt hurts.." hyunjin whined "now you know how i feel." seungmin smirked as hyunjin whined "oh.. i'm sorry.." hyunjin said as seungmin shook up his head. "it's okay, that's a normal thing.." seungmin said reassuringly hyunjin that it's okay.

hyunjin nodded and lay his head on seungmin's chest. seungmin rest his chin on hyunjin's head. they both drifted to sleep in each other's arms.


anyways i posted a new book called "snow | changlix" 😌😌

so there's a new schedule of when there's gonna be updates of new chapters

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