24 (changlix)

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felix has finally gotten out of the hospital 2 days ago and since he missed some new parts of the new dance he has to learned it, but it's okay since he is a fast learner in dancing.

but changbin always make sure he gets home on time or he is healthy which makes felix fall for him even more.

felix is now on his way to dance practice with his sister as they live together. they finally make it the dance room and they put their stuff down and waited for hyunjin. when hyunjin finally arrived he also brought seungmin, which olivia and felix is so happy to see him.

when the camera is on they immediately went to stretching. "1, 2, 3.." olivia counted for the stretching. when they finally finish stretching, the dancers gets in their positions as seungmin went to the computer and play the music.

meanwhile changbin is watching the whole thing. he wanted to visit felix but at the same time didn't want to disturb him and his members. he quietly entered the room and sat on the corner by the door and watched them dance really impressed by their moves. but his eyes is mostly on felix.

when their done dancing changbin and seungmin clapped their hands and people in the room noticed that not just seungmin is clapping so they turned to the corner where changbin is at as changbin gives a thumbs up and gave a tiny wave.

felix immediately recognize him and widened his eyes at the sight of changbin being here "cha- s-spearb, w-what a-are you do-ing h-here?" felix again bonked himself for stuttering. changbin smile in the mask he is wearing but his eye smile shows it.

"surprise~" changbin said as the other members bowed at him making him embarrassed. "ay! no bowing at me!!" changbin said as the members nodded making felix giggle.

after the practice, felix was actually planning to stay after the practice but since changbin is here he couldn't. changbin and felix went to take a walk in silence, but it's not awkward, it's comfortable.

their shoulders and hands are brushing against each other but none of them move away making them smile. changbin thought that he should hold felix's hand so he put his index finger on felix's pinki as he slowly clasped their hands together.

felix was blushing mess but he is glad that the mask could cover it up. changbin smile more when he noticed that felix also didn't move away. they continued to hold hands as they felt butterflies in their stomach and like the warm feeling.

when they finally arrived to felix apartment felix turned to changbin "hey this is my stop, i'll see you soon?" felix said as he didn't want to let go of their hands. "oh ok i'll see you soon" changbin smiled not wanting him to leave. felix slowly pulled his hands away as he wave and changbin waved back as felix walks inside his apartment entrance.

changbin sighed as he rethink jisung's words "changbin hyung, i think you like him.." changbin laugh at those words.

he definitely likes him. and he thought that too. changbin walked to his dorm as he thinks about felix on his journey to home.


felix's pov



ok lee felix is okay just calmed your excitement down.

i took deep breaths
more deep breaths.

"hey felix!" my sister called out making me looking at my door with vibrant red still plastered on my face. olivia saw my face and smirked. "so something happened?" olivia said teasingly making me squeal like a fan girl as i thought about it.

i jump and giggle around my room while my sister is just watching me. "omo omo omo oh my goshhh" i squeal again as i run to my sister holding her hands. "i love you so much olivia lee, your the best sister i ever had!" i complimented olivia.

olivia was disgusted but touched "anyways what happen?" olivia ask making me squeal again. "binnie hyung hold my hand while we're walking home" i said quietly as my sister cooed. "that's so nice of my future brother-in-law!!" olivia proudly said making me widened my eyes.



i should make a seungjin chapter 😍😍

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