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third person pov

it's been 8 months since they last seen each other.

what has been going on during these months is that 3Racha gotten more popular and gotten more fans. minho came out gay to the public and the world supports it. chan and jeongin almost broke up because they have been distant since chan is so busy. changbin finally met the fan and fall in love with him. felix and han has become more closer. the dating ban has ended so they can date whoever they want to. 3Racha made their solo songs and it got them even more worldwide. and 3Racha members got more closer.

about minho and jisung... well they haven't seen each other for 8 months and stopped talking to each other for 7 months. minho and jisung really miss each other so much.

yes, the schedule got settle so they have regular schedule that other idols have but still very busy. it makes it even more harder for them because they would always see each other on the internet or in public on the screen making them missing each other more.

but then they notice the jype company is falling apart so that means minho needs to help jyp to make the company better.

minho was in the car on his way to the company, a little nervous but at the same time relax. when they arrived there are paparazzis at the entrance. minho got prepared to get flashed and asked by the paparazzis.

the driver opened the car and minho immediately got out going towards to the entrance while the bodyguards are keeping the paparazzis away from him.

when he finally got inside people bowed at him showing respect. he went to the receptionist. "is mr.park available?" minho asked and the receptionist immediately went to jyp's schedule and said "he is in 5 minutes since he has a meeting" with a polite tone. minho nodded and went to the office. when he got there he take a seat.

when he hear the door opened he gets up and saw 3Racha walking out. but jisung didn't notice him and walked passed him. minho sighed and went inside the office.

after 4 days the company started quickly getting better. sometimes minho would see jisung but it's through windows.

today is minho's last day to help jyp since the company has already grew. he was on his way to the cafeteria to get some food. while he was eating he notice someone is sitting in front of him. he look up and saw chan.

"hey prince lee! it's been a while huh?" chan said smiling. "yeah it has everything is going so perfect, well a little." minho said smiling a little. chan got confused "what do you mean a little?". minho look at him a little embarrassed.

chan understood what he meant now "oh.. it's about jisung? i thought you guys are still in touch?" minho looked at him and shook his head no.

"no, we stopped talking to each other like.. 7 months ago..?" minho said sound so sad. chan widened his eyes.

"but i thought you guys are still in touch since he talks about you so much!!" chan said so confused. minho smiled a little after hearing chan's words.

"wait, he talks about me?" i asked pointing at myself. chan nodded "mhm, he would talk about how much he miss you and how much he loves you-" chan immediately stopped himself after realizing what he said.

minho smiled even more "thank you so much uh chan right? whatever thank you so so so so so so much for telling me that jisung loves me back!!" minho thanking chan in a happy tone.

chan smiled and so no problem while laughing. he stood up "well i have to go now to see the members. now speaking of members.. wanna come with me?" chan said signaling what he meant. minho immediately understood and nodded his head yes.

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