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jisung woke up to see minho  sleeping. he smiled at the sight of him. he check what day it is and sighed of relief that it's his day off but needs to do a live. he look up at minho and shake him telling him to wake up.

minho groaned and pulled jisung closer. "5 more minutes" minho's morning voice sent shivers down jisung's spine.

"minho hyung we have to wake up it's late already.." jisung said also tired.

"hmm? what's time is it?" minho lazily open his eyes looking down at jisung.

jisung looked back and check the time. "it's 11 am" jisung said still tired. he turned back to minho and look in his eyes. minho was looking at jisung the whole time until minho slowly close his eyes.

"ay no! get up!!" jisung yelled and clap his hands. jisung got up from the bed.

jisung went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.

after jisung was done doing that, he went back to his bedroom to see minho sitting on the bed with his morning hair and morning face. he look really tired and want to go back to sleep.

jisung smiled and giggle at the sight of him. he walked up to him and grab his face in his hands. minho looked up to him with his eyes half closed and smiled at him.

"i missed you..." minho said really tired. jisung smiled more and minho leaned but jisung moved back making minho pout and confused.

"i don't want your morning breath on my lips and i just brush my teeth!" jisung proudly said making minho rolled his eyes getting to wash his face and brush his teeth.

while he did that, jisung when to the kitchen to his members not there. "there probably out." jisung mumbled.

jisung was making breakfast for him and minho. he was cooking the eggs until he felt someone lay their chin on his shoulder.

jisung look at who it is and see it's just minho and smiled. "hey minho hyung.." jisung softly said, minho just hummed in return. minho put his hands on the counter making jisung trapped in his arms.

minho turned to kiss jisung on the cheek. jisung blushed and giggle making minho smiled.

jisung was done making breakfast. after few attempts of making minho letting him go he finally put the plates on the table and put the food on the plates.

minho was really amused by jisung's cooking skills and almost ask him to move in with him.

"now can i have my kiss?" minho pouted closing his eyes waiting for his kiss. jisung chuckled at minho's eagerness for his lips.

jisung leaned in but just give a peck on his lips. minho opened his eyes and playfully glared at jisung.

"jisungie~~" minho whined wanting a longer kiss. jisung chuckled and finally give him a kiss.

minho smiled through a kiss, but then jisung bite minho's bottom lips and minho wince and pulled away touching his lips.

minho glared at jisung for hurting his lip. jisung feels sorry but at the same time think it's funny.

"look what you did!" minho pointed at his red bottom lips. jisung smiled at him feeling bad already.

"i'm sorry min hyung" jisung pecked minho's bottom lip. minho held onto jisung's neck keeping him in place. jisung knows what he is gonna do for revenge and tried to pull away but minho is stronger than him.

jisung finally gave up so minho bit jisung's lips gently but then bite it harder making jisung winced in pain.

minho was nibbling hard on jisung's lips. "o-ouch" jisung whined as minho but it harder.

minho finally pulled away smirking at jisung while jisung was almost crying of what minho had done.

minho then pecked jisung's lips gently. then he looked down at his lips and giggled.

"jisungie, your lips looks damned." minho teased while jisung pouted and went to the bathroom.

when he look in the mirror, he widened his eyes to see his lips really damned. it was red and it has teeth marks.

"LEE MINHO!!!!!!!!!!!!" jisung yelled that the world can hear him. minho started panicking at jisung's loudness.

"y-yes?" minho said nervously smiling. "why did you do it harsh!? i have to do a v-live y'know" jisung whined a pouted as minho leaned in but jisung cover his mouth.

"lee minho, no kisses for a week" jisung said demanding while minho widened his eyes.

"b-but.." minho was about to protest but jisung just walked away smiling proudly.


listening to i'm fine by bts 😞😞

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