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minho pov

i miss him so much. it's been 2 months since i last saw him and oh my goodness gracious i miss him so damn much!

i decided to visit the company. now let me tell you a story. basically i own the company but i gave it to mr.park because i have no use in that company so he decided to take over the company but into a k-pop company, awesome right? but i can still visit whenever i want to.

i went to the company and as soon as i walked in everyone came out of the room and greet me with respect. i went to the receptionist. "hello prince lee how can i help you your majesty?" she asked with respect. "oh is j.one here?" i asked really wanting to see him. "oh yes he is in recording room B" "thank you"

i walked through the hallway and finally see the room. i looked through the window and saw him.

damn he look so cute. he is sleeping, his head resting on his left arm and his right hand holding a pencil as he was writing the song. i went in quietly and closed the door trying not to make a sound.

i walked to him and grab the chair and sat beside him. i rest my cheek on my palm look down at him. his small beautiful eyes, wavy hair, his big squirrel cheeks, and his lips. his lips trying to make me wanting to ki-

wait not now lee minho it's not the right time even though he's sleeping. i traced my fingers on his wavy hair to move it out of the way from his face.

suddenly i heard gasp.


chan's pov

after the mini date with jeongin i went home.

yeah i'm dating innie but nobody knows. even my members. i didn't tell my members about us because i don't know if i can trust them.

it's 6 pm and changbin and jisung should be home by now. when i unlock the door and went inside i notice i saw changbin in the living room which is unfamiliar because him and jisung are always together.

"hey changbin where's jisung?" i asked in the concern voice. "oh i don't know he said he's gonna work on the song like this morning 7 am" he answered me in the confused tone. then that's means he should still be home because he work on his song for 9 hours. "oh okay i'll go to the company and see if he's there" "ok i'm coming"


3rd person pov

chan and changbin went to the company and went to the room where jisung is. as changbin was going to open the door he froze.

"hey what's wrong?" chan asked him noticing he is shocked. "p-p-prince l-lee is-" chan had enough with changbin's stuttering so he pushed him out of the way and gasped.

minho turned around with wide eyes. he abruptly get up and clears his voice. "well hello there heh oh uh jisung is sleeping so yeah" minho said very nervously and embarrassed that he got caught in 4k.

the two boys still standing in the doorway shocked about minho being nervous because they thought in their life that he is so confident.

"oh yeah thanks, uh not to be rude but what are you doing here your majesty?" changbin asked, minho felt a nervous lump in his throat. "u-uh well uhm" minho stutters having no idea what excuse to say.

suddenly someone woke up "what's going on?" jisung asked tiredly wanting to go back to sleep but woke up from the voices.

jisung pov

"oh jisung!!" chan exclaimed, he went to me and grabbed my arm. "wha-" he rushed me out of the room while changbin gathered my stuff.

the hell is going on?


i think a end perfectly here i. this chapter.

the crown prince and the human |minsungWhere stories live. Discover now