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third person pov

jisung is currently now on hiatus. jyp noticed what is going and decided to put jisung on hiatus which make the fans sad because they'll miss him.

jisung actually want to go back and work like how he used to but he can't. when he went home with his family, he felt new. since he barely hang out with his family it felt strange for him to be with them but he is happy to see them again.

jisung is watching netflix on his bed until his mom called him downstairs. "yes mom?" jisung asked sitting across them. "jisung, is it true that your really dating prince lee?" his dad asked and jisung got flustered, it was the first time someone would ask him like that.

"yes..? he announce that in public after we got caught together." jisung explained and his parents widened their eyes. "did he do anything bad to you?" his mom ask and jisung shook his head no. "lemme guess they didn't saw the video?" jisung thought but he is happy that they didn't saw it because he is still flustered about it.

suddenly his parents started laughing making jisung confused. "oh my gosh jisung, we're just playing with you! of course we saw that video and we knew that you guys are actually in a relationship!!" his mom exclaimed, jisung could feel his face heating up. "a-ah, so you actually watch it.. ok.." jisung said almost stuttering.

"y'know, you too really look cute together!" his dad said making jisung's dog bark. jisung look down to his dog and pick him up laying him down on his lap (idk if his dog is a boy or girl but decided to go with a boy).

after some chats, jisung pick his dog up and walked to the kitchen to grab some strawberries and went to his room. he laid his dog down on his bed and jisung plot himself next to his dog. oh his dog's name is bbama. jisung took his phone out and saw a notification from minho 2 minutes ago.

jisung clicked on a message and smiled.

min hyung💝
sungie, i miss you can you send a pic of yourself pls 🥺☺️

i look terrible lol

min hyung💝
stfu i don't care

aight if you say so

min hyung💝


min hyung💝your eating?!

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min hyung💝
your eating?!

yep 😌

min hyung💝
i'm proud of you 🥰

awewhwhehw i need to goooooo nooooo

it's okay we can talk later :))

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