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minho pov

i really can't sleep so i called seungmins boyfriend, hyunjin, their the best couple.

"the hell minho it's 2 am the hell you want"

"i can't sleep"

"why? this isn't like you?"

"exactly that's why i'm calling you because i'm bored" i complain with a whiny tone. basically me and hyunjin has been friends since our parents worked together. well at first we didn't get along because of me having a bad impression, but then hyunjin and seungmin fall in love with each other and hyunjin wants my help to confess his feelings to him so we got closer.

"uhh what do you want" hyunjin asked so tiredly that he obviously wants to go back to sleep. "can i tell you something?" i asked seriously. hyunjin stayed quite. probably because i've never been this serious to him.

"sure what is it?" he asked confused.

"how do you know you like someone?"


jisung pov

i stayed up because i need to work on the song that is published tomorrow. and i didn't work on it yesterday because i was procrastinating.

i sighed so exhaustedly that i really want to go to sleep.

another sip of coffee.

"why didn't i do this yesterday.."

another sip of coffee.

i add some beats to the song.

another sip of coffee.

what's time is it.

another sip of coffe-

i spit my coffee after realizing it's 2 am. "DANG I DEFINITELY NEED TO GO TO SLEEP BUT I CANT FOR FUCK SAKES BECAUSE OF CHAN SAID I NEED TO DO THIS UNTIL IM DONE AAHHHHH" i complained and scream. well i guess i won't sleep tonight.

it's 4am. i'm still not done and for real i'm so tired. i add some lyrics to the music that i sang to. and yay i'm done woo.. jesus just let me go home *cries*.

it's 5 am and i need to wake up in an hour because we have a meeting tomorrow again about the concert since it got cancel so we are planning to reschedule but need to know when.

i went to bed and look through my phone a little and finally went to sleep.

it's 6:40 am and damn i'm in the rush because the meeting starts at 7. "HAN JISUNG HURRY UP" changbin yelled at me from the kitchen. i just put my clothes on. i didn't have time to eat but i'm hungry since i only ate ramen yesterday.

after the meeting we went to the cafe. i ordered cheesecake and ice americano.

the best.

we talk about stuff. "hey jisung did you finished the song last night?" chan asked me "yeah i did finish it". to be honest we all barely have time to know each other because we're all so busy. well we're the busiest group in JYP.

"okay!! perfect so we can get the break!" changbin said excitedly. i was confused, we have a break? since when? well it's not like i'm not happy. it's just that we never have a day off or something..


minho pov

fridays are my favorite days.

because it's my day off. i sat in the bed looking through my phone having no idea what to do.

seungjin is on a date.

jeongin is screaming over cb97 dude.

felix have dance practice.

and me, i don't know.

then a idea pop out of my head. "what if i did sone research about han jisung!?" i said so proudly of myself but then realized what i said. "wait what?" ugh whatever i'm gonna do it.

han jisung

sorry there is no search of "han jisung"


oh yeah nobody knows his name


3Racha J.one has no friends?

just what.

he has no friends?? damn what

3Racha don't get along because of work? Cb97 on Vli...

huh. i click on the website and it says.

"A fan asked "Cb97 do you and the other members hang out a lot?" CB97 replied "Well since we have a lot of work, we don't hang out a lot so we barely know each other but it's okay because we are getting a week off so that we can get to know each other!". 3Racha don't get along but not in the bad way but because they have a lot of work that they don't have time for each other."

"so if i asked jisung on a date he'll say no?" i asked myself sadly "just because he'll have no time for me?" i sobbed realizing that he can't date me because of the dating contract. yeah i basically liked him. we're going like so fast hahaha..

oh goodness gracious  it's definitely love at first sight.

i did a lot of search of him making me fall in love more. he is obviously my type. i found out that he don't have many friends because of how busy he is. i should forced that damn company to give them a break so i can be with jisung. "perfect" i said to myself proudly smiling wildly.


lol i'm tryna take it slow but it's hard to since this is my first book.

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