Blood Love

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Velorina eyes snapped open from her perch on a tree hearing screams in the far distance, looking lazily over she knew what was happening. Closing her eyes, she begin to think about why she was once again following Geralt and his new nosey little nuisance. It's been a few days since the reunion of Geralt and Ciri.

Velorina hasn't been around the duo as they get to know one another. If that's what you want to call it. It was more of Ciri asking Geralt every damn thing that has to do with the outside world, and the world she was thrown into. 

Geralt tried multiple times to get his standoffish girlfriend to be around the young girl but had no luck. Velorina has zero interest in Ciri, and like a stubborn vampire that she is, she kept her distance. Never too far, but far enough not be seen by the girl. Geralt can always feel when she's nearby, he would sometime smile to himself knowing she was watching over him and Ciri even if she won't admit it.

During their travels they came upon the battlefield that the sorceresses was involved in, Yennefer was missing among the carnage that was left behind. Geralt ask Velorina if she can sense anything, Velorina tried to locate the dark sorceress but the dead and decay was overpowering everyone sense of smell. With that Geralt promise Tissaia that he would keep an eye out for her. Velorina smirk at her kind hearted love.

Back to the present Velorina look down when Ciri started talking, "Yennefer. Can you tell me who she is?" She ask. Velorina crooked her head in confusion as to why Ciri was so interested in the Mage. "Doesn't matter." Geralt answer stoically. Velorina stare up at the sky seeing the snow starting to fall once again, the air was cold and getting worse as winter start to settle in. Not that Velorina can tell the difference. 

Night has fallen with Velorina once again listening to Ciri having a nightmare. More like a night terror. "Let me go." Ciri whines, moving around her sleep. Ciri wake up from her slumber looking around in confusion and relief. She scoot over to Geralt with a tired sigh, "I sleep like shit too." Geralt says to the young girl. "You don't sleep at all." Ciri state back. Geralt smirk, "Make for fewer nightmares." Geralt frown as a thought suddenly came about, "Except for the one with the rock troll." 

Velorina and Ciri both look at him intrigue, "Overly friendly. Tough image to shake." Velorina could only imagine what that dummy of the rock troll did to make Geralt uncomfortable. Friendly was the last thing those idiots were. "What about yours?" Geralt ask Ciri. Velorina stare down at the girl waiting for the answer, "The Black Knight has me on his horse. Cintra is burning." Ciri begin. "I'm too helpless to stop any of it." 

Geralt nod in understanding, "You escape." Ciri only stare at him, "I was lucky." Was her only answer. Velorina felt her annoyance go up another notch with the young girl when she ask another one of her questions, "I. Need to understand some things." Ciri says to Geralt. "Of course you do." Velorina mumble to herself while leaning back against her tree putting her leg over the other staring at the snow falling sky with her hands behind her head.

"You claimed your Law of Surprise and got me. Why?" Ciri ask. Velorina sat up, "Now that's a good question Runt." She cross her legs with her hands on her ankles listening. Geralt can practically feel her burning eyes on him even if he doesn't know her exact location. "It was payment for a debt." He answers.

"I saved your father life." "From what?" Ciri ask. "Your Grandmother." Geralt simply answers. "She didn't want your mother marrying outsider." Velorina frown knowing it was something more than just that. "Your father didn't know what he was giving up." Geralt stare at the fire that was burning. "So. I'm your destiny?" Ciri ask looking at the Witcher. "What ever that means." "You're much more than that Cirilla." Geralt reassure. 

Ciri stare at the fire letting the information sink in. Velorina huff, "Should've waited for that damn bread." She mumbles. "I miss my home." Ciri finally say. "Cintra isn't safe for you anymore." Geralt tells her. "What about Skellige? I have people there too." Ciri tries again. Velorina put a stink face on, scrunching up her nose in disgust. "You can. But you'd be married off to the nearest Lord of Bad Breath." Geralt tell her with a smirk. "He'd be seeking to claim your throne too." Geralt reminds her. Geralt can see Ciri losing hope, wanting to cheer her up he states, "The food is good there though." Velorina had to agree on that statement. 

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