The First Meeting

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Velorina had her eyes closed as her body was regenerating slowly, this wasn't the first time she had to regenerate. This was however the first time she battled a Witcher, this was also the first time she experience the effect of black blood. She has heard from her few companions that black blood was a bugger to deal with, now she understood why, she promised herself she will never fall for such a trick again. Verlorina growled at herself as she fought against the pain that came and went, she had her back against a tree with her head turned resting her chin on her shoulder. Her arm was cradling her side where that ratchet Witcher stab her, she travel to a small village named Rivia. It was wholesome, a bit cleaner then most villages around here, being a Higher Vampire, she was good at blending in with the common people, she was also good at disguising her true self which was how she scamper though to sit at the tree that was on the outskirt of the village. It took centuries of practice of course but she made due with what she has.

Soon she begin to hear rustling coming in her direction, Velorina froze hearing the rapid approaching footsteps. A gasp was heard when the little footsteps spotted the being hiding in the tall grass, it approach closer to her. Velorina turned around eyes angry and red, with her pearly white sharp teeth on full display. She spotted a little boy, with curly chestnut hair, childish cubby cheeks, and brave eyes staring at her in horror. Velorina growled at the child, for he didn't run like she wanted him to. Quiet the opposite happen, the little tot came forward in curiosity and wonder of a typical child, Velorina tried once again to warn the child to not get any closer to her. The little boy body instinctively stopped knowing the danger it was in front of. The boy clenched his stick tightly to his chest as he started at the beautiful woman in front of him, "Hi." He shyly said with a small smile.

Velorina blinked with her teeth still extended, the child laughed at her face for it just didn't seem to fit her. "I said hello." He said once again. Velorina closed her mouth as she stared at the little boy, "Go away." She simply stated as she clenched her side. The little boy looked down, seeing the blood spilling through her fingers, "You're hurt!" He cried as he rushed forward, once again ignoring his body telling him to run. Velorina was debating on just draining the child when he feel to his knees, dropping his stick in the process to look at her wound. She can smell the unique blood within him, it called out her, but not in hunger, in something else entirely. The young boy touched her cold hand causing Velorina to push him away from her with little force, it wasn't harsh, but enough to where the young boy skid along the dirt. The young boy cough from the push, he groaned as he sat on his bum, rubbing his head, "Ouch! Why did you do that! That was mean!" He hollered. He glared at her as if she did him wrong, she glared back while clenching her teeth due to another tremor of pain passing through her body, "Don't touch me." She growled at the little insect.

The boy stood up, patting the dust from his pants, "You didn't have to do that. I was just trying to help. My mother knows how to heal, I can have her help you." The young boy said with a smile. Velorina continue to stare at the annoying boy with hatred, "Bring her here and you won't have a mother anymore. Tell anyone i'm here, and you won't have a home anymore." Velorina sternly said. The boy gulp hearing the sinister in her voice, he nod his head as he sat down on his knees, "You still need to get better. I know!" He hollered, causing Velorina to close her eyes in annoyance, "I'll just find you something. Stay here, i'll be back." The boy quickly said before leaving. Velorina sigh as she rested her head on the tree, "Why me." She whispered to herself. Not to soon the boy returned, this time holding a small bottle with a cheeky smile, "I found this, my mother put this on all my boo boos." The boy said as he once again sat next to the vampire, only this time not touching her.

Velorina can sense the magic that was in the bottle, she was confuse as to who exactly was this boy mother. When the young boy was about to open the bottle, Velorina put her hand on top of his tiny one, "No, i'll be fine." She said to him. The young boy stared at her, then down at her wound, "But, it looks really bad." He mumbled. Velorina sigh as she lifted her hand away from her side, the boy looked closer seeing the regenerate tissues repairing itself, "Wow! I've never seen that before." The boy excitedly said as he watch her body repair itself slowly. Velorina looked at the young boy with even more confusion, "Your body does this as well, just more slowly." She said to the curious child. The young boy smiled up at her causing the vampire to scoff, "What are you smiling for?" She asked with annoyance as she stared at his big brown eyes, "You're very pretty." The boy softly said as he looked at the beautiful woman. 

Velorina scuffed at him while closing her eyes, "I can learn to like you." She mumbled as she once again rest her head on the tree. The boy continue to smile as he stared at the beautiful creature. She was something he never seen before in this small village, she was tall, clean, had white teeth, only hers was a little sharper then what he was use to seeing. The boy moved to stand causing Valorina to stare at him, "Now what tea cup?" She asked with a smirk. The boy glared at her as he puffed out his chest, "My name isn't 'tea cup' it's Geralt." He proudly announce, "I'm going to be the great warrior the continent has ever seen!" He shouted with vigor. Valorina only gave him a blank stare, "You're too short. Your small like a-" She paused as she lightly poked his puff chest with her claws, causing young Geralt to let out his breath, "Tea cup." She finished with a smile. 

Geralt glared at the woman, he then grab his stick striking a pose, "Then I shall fight you! Come at me!" He said while doing moves, almost tripping over his own two feet, Velorina glared at him before sucking in air then blowing it towards the little annoying boy. Geralt felt the wind from behind him push at him making him stumble forward, next the he knew he was once again down on his back looking up towards the growing night sky. He blink, as everything happen so fast for his mind to register. He looked at the smirking woman who was still leaning against the tree holding her side, "Lesson one tea cup, never fight an opponent when they are down. Real warriors fight their opponents when they are at their best. Only when you have weaken them will you take that final blow." Velorina explained at the curious child. Geralt nod his head as he listen to her wisdom. He stood up, brushing his pants then picking up his stick, "You can teach me to fight then?" He asked with a smile, he ran over to his new friend sitting on his knees with a smile, Velorina stared down at the boy, "When you do, then I can protect you." He said. 

It took everything in Velorina power to not laugh at the little human, the thought of him ever being able to protect her, a higher vampire that was rare to the world. A being from humans nightmares, a being that was over a couple of centuries year old, was just something she could never see. She chuckled to herself, "I will not teach you such thing tea cup." She simply said to him. Geralt frowned hearing that he wouldn't be able to learn to fight, "That's not fair! Why not?" He asked while pouting, Velorina opened her eyes, "Because your mother is calling for you." She said. Geralt tried to listen for his mother, but he couldn't hear, "No she's not." He said with confusion. 

Velorina lifted her eyes over his head, "She coming closer, you'll be able to hear her soon." She said to him. It wasn't long before Geralt did hear his mother calling for him, he looked back at the mystery woman who once again had her eyes close, resting her head on her shoulder. "Will you be here tomorrow? I promise i'll come back, then maybe you'll fell better and we can play." He asked in excitement, making sure to whisper so that his mother doesn't hear. Velorina wasn't sure she wanted to stay now that he has found her, it was bad enough that the little human annoyed her the later half of her day. She was hoping by early morning she can be on her way and move on. Geralt heard his mother cries becoming louder the longer it took for him to respond, he grab the bottle that laid forgotten next to his crush, he picked up his stick looking at it. He then walked close to the vampire smiling shyly, Velorina opened her eyes staring at her little annoyance, "What tea cup?" She asked. He placed the bottle near her hand, "In case you need it. I'll leave this here." He said as he kneeled making sure the bottle doesn't mess up her clothes. 

Velorina watched him carefully, tensing up when he got close, she can once again smell his scent. Her thirst was beginning to rear it's ugly head, she could just snap at the boys neck and be done with this annoyance. Geralt sat on knees, and gave her a big smile as they looked into one another eyes, "A warrior never leave their princess without something to return back to." He said to her, he quickly grab his stick running off to his frantic mother, he turned back around waving at her, "I'll see you tomorrow!" He shouted before running off swinging his stick around the field. Velorina stared after him then down at the bottle, she picked it up looking at the innocent looking paste, "Hmm" She said as she open the bottle to place the substance on her side. Just as she thought, as soon as the paste hit her skin, it begin to heal faster. Velorina put the bottle down with a blank look, she was beginning to feel her body gain strength, the Witcher potion was beginning to leave her body. She looked down at her wound as the tissues were repairing themselves at a much faster rate. Velorina stared off to where she can hear Geralt mother asking him where he's been, she had to smile, "He was near death." She said to the night sky as she closed her eyes to get some peaceful rest.

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