Lost Kingdom

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Velorina and Geralt traveled to a tavern in the middle of nowhere it feels, it's been a few months since the blood bath that happened in Blaviken. Since the inscodent Geralt have adapted a nickname across the continent, "The Butcher of Blaviken" was his title, was it well deserved of course not. Velornia stayed with Geralt along his travels, the two have bonded over the period of time, Geralt never asked about her when she do disappear, knowing that she need to feed in order to live. Velorina never asked about Geralt whereabouts when he come back smelling like other women, the two have an understanding with one another. 

Velorina put her hand over her eyes to block out the sun, even if she didn't need to. To stare at the tavern in the middle of a field, "How about a break here, you look like you need one." She said to Geralt. Geralt looked at the place nodding his head agreeing he can use a drink or so, plus there was enough grass for Roach to feed on. He jumped off his horse, tying her up at a nearby fence, he continue onwards thinking Velorina would follow, when he didn't hear her follow he turned around in confusion, "You coming?" He asked. Velorina shook her head, "No, not really in the mood for humans." She simply stated. Geralt stared at her in worry, Velorina smiled wanting to reassure him, "I"m fine Geralt, just sometimes need my space away from them. Only so much stench I can take." She simply said while waving him off like a child. Geralt grunt at the notion, "Fine, see you in a hour." Geralt confirmed as he made his way to the tavern. Velorina rolled her eyes at him, "I'm not a child you know." She argued with a huff, Geralt smirked as he didn't give her the time of day. Velorina made a face before walking away from him also, "Big baby." She mumbled to herself.

Geralt sat in a dark corner babysitting his ale as the bard continue to sing his ridiculous song. It wasn't long before the people in the tavern felt the same way, "Abort yourself!" They all hollered as they threw their free bread at the annoying bard. Geralt shook his head at the action, but happy some one shut him up finally. Geralt notice the bard eyeing him and groan when he mad his way over, "I love how you sit in the corner and brood." Jaskier said. "I'm here to drink alone." Geralt grunted out in annoyance as he looked out the window hoping to see Valorina heading towards the tavern, "Good. Yeah good." Jaskier said to him, "No one else hesitated to comment on the quality of my performance, except." Jaskier paused hoping the mysterious man will give him attention when he didn't Jaskier decided to make it happen himself, "Come on you don't want to keep a man waiting with, bread in his pants. You must have some review for me three words or less." Jaskier insisted with excitement. Geralt let out a slient sigh, "They don't exist." He simply gave the bard.

Jaskier was completely lost with that, "What don't exist?" He asked. "The creatures in your song." Geralt stated once again, "How do you know?" Jaksier asked with a slight attitude, he wasn't a fan of his craft being disrespected and questioned. Geralt didn't answer only waited for the bard cables to spark in his brain to piece the pieces together, Geralt can finally see the light spark to life, "Oh, this is good. White hair, two sharp swords." Jaskier paused as he stared at the weapons with slight fear, "I know who you are." Jaskier finished with excitement as the creative juices started to flood his soul. Geralt decided it was time to head out and hopefully find Velorina wondering around, "You're the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia." Jaskier said while he ran to catch up with the now famous Witcher, "Called it!" He hollered from behind the man. 

Geralt was once again stopped, this time however by a concern village boy, "A job I got for ya. I beg you." He quickly said to the Witcher, Geralt paused debating if he should even entertain anyone. He was beginning to understand why Velorina need a break from humans, unfortunately for him they were his way of living, he turned giving the boy his attention, "A devil, he's been stealing all our grain. In advance, i'll pay you a hundred ducat." The boy offered. Geralt looked at him, noticing he had more to offer, "One-fifty." Geralt bargained without much interest, the boy smiled as he threw the Witcher his coin bag. Geralt walked out the tavern to look for the 'Devil' that's been terrorizing the people.

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