Fallen Kingdom

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Velorina smiled when she felt Geralt kiss between her shoulder blade, "Tell me about these, markings" He mumbled against her skin as he kissed her along her back and neck, "There called tattoos love, its just something my clan did." Velorina answered as she enjoyed loving caress, Geralt hmm'd as he traced her ancient tattoos, "Why get them? Do the mean or do anything?" He asked. Velorina shook her head, "No." She simply answered. Geralt sigh kissing her body once more before grabbing his clothes and belongings to wash up, Velorina followed suit as the two walked to the river to bathe. 

Velorina can tell something was bothering Geralt as he's been quiet for the past two days, "You ok?" She asked him as they finished their bath, Geralt gave her a side-eyed look before answering, "I saw Nilfgaard, making way through Amell Pass. They're heading to Cintra." He said while putting on his armor and swords. Velorina shrugged her shoulders, "That's terrible." She simply mumbled as she got dressed, "What does that have anything to do with you brooding?" She then asked. Geralt swallowed as he thought about his child surprise, "I need to go there." He told her. Velorina turned to him with a look of surprise, "For what?" Geralt knew he couldn't keep his secret any longer. "Because the dwarf said something that has me concern, I need to check on a child." He said.

Velorina once again only stared at him, "So, what make this child so important. It will die like any other child will once Nilfgaard penetrate their borders. I'm not understanding why this seems so important to you." She said. "Because the child is my Child of Surprise! He could be in danger Velorina." Geralt hollered to her. Velorina eyes widen only slightly, "Your what?" Geralt sigh shaking his head, he was surprise at himself for the reaction, "My Child of Surprise, I got him when I saved his father from the Queen." Geralt explained. Velorina looked off to the distance, not looking at anything in particular, "Vel, I just need to check up on him. Something about this isn't sitting well with me." Geralt took a step to her grabbing her hands gently as he explained to her how he came to receive the child. Velorina couldn't believe what she was hearing, "How could you set yourself up like that Geralt. Not only did you recite those words like a fool, but in return you earned a child. Why couldn't you wait until he looked at the price of a bread or something." She asked.

Geralt felt himself getting frustrated with his love at that moment, "Vel, it's just a check up nothing more." He tried to tell her, "It's not a check up Geralt. You can check up on it by not making your presence known to the Kingdom, no you care about that human child more then you are letting on." Velorina explained. She let out a sigh as she moved closer to him, "Look, he'll be fine. He has a whole Kingdom looking after him, along with an experience Queen and Druid. I'm sure they can take of Nilfgaard before they can even reach their palace gates." Velorina explained. Geralt knew, in his soul that wouldn't be the case. He couldn't explain it, but he knew he had to get his Child of Surprise out of Cintra, Nilfgaard was to powerful of a Kingdom for Cintra to keep at bay for long, from what he saw from the mountains Nilfgaard came with the full intention to take over the rest of the continent. Geralt moved away from the stubborn woman shaking his head, "I need to get the child Vel." He said.

Velorina shook her head in frustration, "Geralt, it's just a child. A human child on top of that, do you think that the Queen will just hand him over so willingly. YOu're not talking about a peasant child, you're talking about a Prince. A Prince of a Kingdom who honestly have very good tasting people." She mumbled at the end as she thought about her thirst that was slowly creeping in, Geralt finally had enough of her, "He's not just a fucking child Velorina! He can be in danger for all I know and I need to get him away from it. If you don't like it that's fine, but stop being selfish and think about someone other than yourself!" Geralt hollered in her face. Velorina glared at him while crossing her arms, "Then go get the little brat for all I fucking care. All that child is good for is either coins in your pocket or food in my stomach. Humans aren't worth anything other than that Geralt, they are selfish creatures who only think about their own gain. That child can be gutted by Nilfgaard or saved by his Kingdom for all I care. Go be the hero that you clearly want to be, don't come crying to me when they don't throw roses at your feet for trying to save their pathetic Kingdom from falling." Velorina growled back to his face.

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