Elden Secrets

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Geralt and Ciri return inside only to find Velorina and Lambert having a staring showdown. Velorina was holding a cup of water with a major stink face, "I thought I would never see such a beautiful sight. How the hell does Geralt always get the hot ones?" Lambert says with a cheesy smile. Velorina only continue to stare like a marble statue, emotionless.

The other Witchers were surprise to find a woman hanging around Geralt and Ciri, they didn't know what she truly was and no one tried correct them. They just assumed she was someone who warm Geralt bed and never left. "Coen!" Lambert suddenly hollers. 

Coen the Witcher who was watching the stare down while eating turn his attention to his friend, "What's the difference between a Witcher and a heap of shit?" Lambert ask with a smile eating his bread. Coen shrug, "Go on then." "Eventually, they both stop smelling!" Lambert laughs, he was the only one laughing. Coen disregard the joke completely, "Fine. You tell me one you comedic fuck." Lambert challenge. Coen took up the challenge, "Alright than. What do you call a Witcher with no brains?" Before Lambert can answer, one was given. "Lambert." Ciri says with a smirk.

Coen laugh staring at his brother who gave the Princess a dirty look, "See. Now she's funny." He says. Velorina stood up from the table walking over to Geralt, "How can you live with these-" She wave her hands in disgust. Geralt rub her back kissing her softly, Ciri gather her hot. water while Geralt throw meat inside. "When you're finish. Rest." Ciri didn't answer. She took her wooden sword back exiting the room with a stomp.

Velorina raise an eyebrow at the rude behavior, "Trouble with the pretty, pretty Princess?" Lambert ask with a tease. Velorina whisper to Geralt, "I'll kill him. Just let me know when." In complete seriousness. Geralt smile at her, "No Vel." "Damn it all." She stomp her feet exiting the room herself. Lambert and Coen laugh like school boys, "Wow. Two ladies pissed at the same time, must be a record." 

While Geralt was busy with the boys Velorina watch Ciri sneak off back outside to battle with the dummy. With her arms cross she watch from her perch on the peak as the young lady practice her swings over and over. It wasn't long before dumb and dumber made their way, from what Velorina can hear. It was a simple hazing method. The trio talked for a while before leaving the training dummy, Velorina watch with a frown as Ciri followed the duo. Letting out a sigh she only continue to watch, "Dumb little girl." She say to herself.

Lambert lead Ciri to the Witcher training grounds, where the real training begins. "Afraid to break a nail Princess?" He asked. Ciri eyed the contraptions with uncertainty, 'You can do this. Nothing to it.' She thought herself. 

Lambert walked off to activate the contraption, the obstacle course roar to life. Sharp blades, blunt moving objects all swirling in Ciri ears loudly. "Give it a try." Lambert smirk to her, Ciri had to take a few deep breaths. "Go on." Lambert egged on. Ciri moved forward with her head held high ready for the challenge. "Are you sure about this?" Coen asked knowing they will get their asses chewed by Geralt if something were to happen to the girl. "I'm just having a little fun." Lambert cross his arms with a smirk.

Ciri eyed the swinging blunt object with fear, staring at how up she was the fall wouldn't kill her. But it will hurt. Taking another breath she took her first step on the platform, she got her timing making a run for it. Just as fast as she started, she was knocked to the ground hard. The wind knocked out of her. Coughing she groan in pain. Lambert and Coen walk over, "Still want to be a Witcher?" Lambert asked.

Ciri not wanting him to win got back on the platform. Trying over and over again only to be knocked down, coughing up blood. "Come on Ciri." Coen says. The girl was getting better after every do-over. "Let's go back. You had enough." He tells her. Ciri wasn't ready to give up, getting back up she walk back over to the platform to begin once again. 

After many fails she finally cleared the first platform. Lambert and Coen grin at her seeing she finally made it pass. Next was the swinging blade, with only one dull blade on each pillar. Ciri didn't even make one step before the blades cut her clean on the arm knocking her back down to the ground. "Nice try Princess. Admit it, you belong in a castle. Not our keep." Lambert egged.

Velorina smell the blood, she had to cover her nose at the unexpected strong smell sweeping in the air. Cradling her nose like a fairy, she felt her fangs grow on their own. The unexpected hunger striking her hard and swiftly. She quickly got control of herself taking deep breaths, she heard Geralt return along with Vesemir. "Geralt. You need to see this." Coen says to the returning Witcher.

Velorina watch as Geralt walk over to the training grounds, "Elder Blood. In Ciri?" Velorina ask herself looking on as the Witchers watch Ciri finally completing the course. "Geralt, what the hell did you ask for?"

Geralt walk Ciri back to her room to get her patched up, "I almost had it." Ciri watch as Geralt tore some old clothes to make bandages. "I can do it." Ciri snatch the items off the table, "You can do anything." Geralt took ointment rubbing it on her cuts, Ciri hiss in pain from the sting. "Doesn't mean you have to." Geralt tell her. Geralt can see Ciri wasn't getting the bigger picture, "When a Witcher crack his skull, all we need to do is stick him in a cot and fill him with Veratrum, Spurge, and Hawthron. Chances are, he'll survive." He explain carefully. "You do not have that luxury." 

Ciri sigh, "You said we catch fear. That you have to face it. You mustn't just give up." Geralt shook the bandages, "That's right. But you have to train first." "Than let me train!" Ciri cries. Geralt tighten the bandage, "I am." "No you're not. Not enough." Ciri stare at Geralt hard and strong, "I want to be a great fighter. And not against sacks of straw."

Geralt bend down to her level once again, "I known many who wanted to be great fighters in my time. Do you know where they are now?" He ask her. "Where?" Ciri whispers to him. "In cemeteries." Ciri wasn't pleased with that answer and stormed out the room.

Velorina sat on a high mountain watching the world as the wind blew in her face, the fact that Ciri had Elden blood running threw her veins had Velorina thinking about her true origin. Clenching her arms, she was trying to figure out the riddle that surrounded Ciri. From what Geralt told her things just wasn't adding up with this new turn of events. 'There was no way that Ciri Father.' Her thought was cut short smelling Geralt and Ciri scent.

Confuse she stood up wondering why they made their way all the way out here. She can hear Ciri footsteps running along the forest, she can can also hear something chasing her. "What the hell is that?" She ask herself seeing the 'thing' that was after the girl. 

Velorina sigh, "This girl really do bring trouble everywhere she goes." Velorina can hear Geralt trying to catch up but the monster corner Ciri taking it's sweet time to finish the job. Just standing looking curious if Velorina had to guess. Never before has she seen anything like it, soon Geralt came falling down cutting the monster clean down the middle. The monster cries stumbling from the surprise attack, giving Geralt time to slice it's head clean off.

"Less than perfect means death." Ciri remind Geralt. "Sir Lazlo would be proud." Geralt tell her. Velorina graceful fall landing elegantly beside the dead monster. "I always loved a man that can kill." She says with a smile. Ciri and Geralt wasn't at all please, Velorina raise an eyebrow at the two. "What?" She ask innocently. Geralt slow walk to her staring her down, "You were just going to watch?" He ask.

Velorina pout, "Why does this feel like deja vu?" She ask. Geralt only continue to stare, "Because it is Vel. How long were you here?" He ask. Velorina sigh, "A while." Ciri walk beside Geralt, "You mean you were here watching and didn't help?" Velorina stare down at the girl, "Watch your tone little girl." Ciri swallow at the tone Velorina used, it send shiver down her spine and her soul. The look in her eyes cause Ciri to look away.

Geralt seen Velorina be stern before, but never saw this look come across her face. Even as a boy, no matter how much he may have annoyed her that look in Velorina eyes never came to surface. Just when it seems her and Ciri were making progress, Geralt can tell something knocked Velorina back to square one. If she was even in the square at all.

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