Last Day

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Velorina moan in happiness as she fed from a traveling noble woman and her protectors, it's been a while since she treated herself to her chocolate. Velorina opened her red eyes when she heard her name being called out, she rolled her eyes as she drank her last drop of blood from the noble. Pulling away she allowed the woman to drop, along side her suppose defense, Velorina sigh when she once again heard her name being called out by the young Geralt. "This kid is going to kill me." Velorina muttered to herself as she walked to greet the young child. It's been a few days since her and Geralt became, in his words friends.

Velorina didn't want to admit to herself that she truly did like the boy, he kept her entertain for the most part. The annoying thing about the boy was that he was stubborn, asked one too many questions, and was a big flirt for someone his age. Velorina can still him calling her his princess to save one day, she of course rolled her eyes at him, causing the young wannabe savor to glare at her, "You don't believe me?" He would ask with a pout. Velorina would only shrugged her shoulders, knowing human life is too short, if was to ever save her, he would need to live a few centuries to even try. "I do tea cup." She would simply say back, Geralt begin a child smiled in happiness hearing that she believe in him.

Velorina sigh as the memories of her and Geralt entered her mind. She didn't understand herself why she stay in Rivia for so long. It was so unlike her to stay in one place, she paused in her walk as she looked around, "Why am I staying?" She asked. She stared down at the forest floor contemplating on why she has stayed, she shook out of her thoughts when Geralt once again called out for her, "I'm coming tea cup." She mumbled in further annoyance, it took a while for her to arrive at their meeting spot, she was few miles down from his village where she fed. She didn't want the people to become aware of a being so close to them. At least that was her excuse, really she didn't want danger to come to her little friend. Geralt stomp his foot on the ground as he waited for his friend to arrive, he knew she had great hearing, she would tell him his mother was calling for him if he stayed with her so late. Geralt can never hear his mother, but with his friend great hearing it was a plus to stay out later and not get into to much trouble.

Velorian raised her eyebrows at the young child who had his arm crossed, looking annoyed. "What's wrong tea cup?" She asked as she walked behind the child. Geralt didn't jump like he usually do, he finally gotten use to her appearing silently from behind him, Velorina frown when she didn't make her little friend jump in fright. "Mother said we are leaving in a few days." Geralt said with sadness. "What's wrong with that?" Velorina asked as she kneeled down to his height, she notice he grown a few, not by much but enough for her to notice, Geralt sigh as he gently swung his stick, "She said it's going to be a week trip. Who's going to protect you when i'm gone?" He whined without looking at her, "As a warrior, it is my job to protect my princess. That's the code." He said with anger, tears swelling up in his eyes. Velorina had to stop herself from smiling, and laughing after hearing his little rant. She lifted his head up gently with her finger and thumb, "I can take care of myself tea cup." She gently said to him. Geralt took his face away from her with a pout, "But, you're my princess, I want to take care of you." He mumbled with little shyness, Velorina sigh, "Well, then I guess I just need to be careful until you return." she said.

In honesty she wasn't planning on being here when he did return with his mother. She was going to use this opportunity to leave. She knew he would be hurt by her departure, but she needed to move on, having attachment in humans wasn't the best for her kind, their lifespan was far too short. She like Geralt, if she was being honest with herself, but she couldn't afford to be around him for much longer. This village wasn't meant for her to be in, it was to small, and she would need more space if she wanted to find hunting grounds, on top of that, staying in one place just wasn't for her. 

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