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Geralt  was in a rented room, having sex with a whore. He needed to blow off some steam and what better way than inside of a woman. He grunt in frustration as his mind begin to wonder to his friend who's been quiet every since they left the elves, she disappeared quickly afterwards. He tried to have small talk with her, asking her what was wrong, but she only gave him short answers, or just ignoring him completely he couldn't think what he did wrong. Geralt rolled the woman on her stomach taking her from behind, he then begin to think about how the Elf King embraced Velorina. Thoughts begin to race around his head, why did he care about what Velorina do with other men, why did it bother him so much that she was ignoring him, why did it make him furious thinking that Velorina may have had past lovers. He knew it wasn't fair for him to feel this way while he was fucking another woman at the very moment, but he just wanted his friend to talk with again. Geralt let out a loud moan as he released himself, when the woman reached her climax as well.

He rolled off of her breathing hard, he reached over to take a gulp of wine that was on the side table. As he drink the whore rub her fingers along one of his many scars, "This, I definitely know." She said with a giggle, she then begin to sing a song about a vampire, "The vampires bled, as white as a sheet. And yet her dead heart did beat." She sang, Geralt sigh as he listened to her singing. He couldn't believe the irony at the song, considering he was good friends with a vampire. He wished she would stop singing, lucky she did, "A friend of yours came through here last month headed for Temeria." She started. Geralt only grunt in response as he was currently in sexual bliss, "friend?" He asked uninterested, "Another Witcher." That got Geralt to sit right up, "Hm, blessed that prick with my fullest efforts, too." The whore continued, "What's in Temeria?" Geralt asked.

"Didn't you just hear me talking?" "Shouldn't you know when someone is pretending to listen." Geralt threw back in annoyance, soon a knocking was heard on the door, "It's been three nights, pay up or get out!" The man from the outside hollered. Geralt ignored the man, "Temeria?" He asked the woman again. The whore sigh as she begin to tell him what she knows, "It's got a pest problem. A few miners rounded up 3,000 orens to have it killed. Your boy took the coin and ran." She finished. Geralt listened intently at the woman story, he gave her the remainder of his coins, "Thank you for, everything." He awkwardly said to the woman, "What about the room?" She asked just when the man opened the door staring at the two naked beings, "Leave." He said.

Geralt walked out to Roach who bumped her head on his chest, "Don't judge me." Geralt said to her. He looked at the man with a slight smile, "I'll be back with payment in a few days. If anything happens to my horse." Geralt started. The man took a step forward towards him, "You don't scare me." He smugly said. Geralt clench his jaw as he step right to the man face getting close, "Point me to Temeria." He simply told the man. The man gulp pointing East.

Geralt made it to the miners where the whore said, he walked in staying in the shadows while he listen to the peasants and miners come up with a plan for their pest problem. He looked to the side doing a double take when he spotted Velorina in the shadows as well with her finger to her lips, elbow resting in her hand listening to the fools talk about their plans on overturning their King. "Hi." She quietly said to Geralt as he walk over to her, "Hello." He said while looking at her, Velorina stared up at him then went back to listening to the fools, "What are you doing here?" He asked as he went back to listening, "An interesting story came across my ears. I figured i'll see what it's about." She answered quietly. "Hmm." Geralt said. Velorina smiled at him, Geralt looked towards her feeling pride swell up seeing her smile at him again, "I see i've been rubbing off on you tea cup." Velorina joked. Geralt let the nickname slide this time, "Maybe a little." He grunted to her, he turned to face the miners, "You're not mad at me anymore?" He asked. Velorina sigh as she answered, "I was never mad at you Geralt. You just have me worried." She said. Geralt looked down, wanting more but she stopped him, "Now isn't the time love." She nudge her head for him to pay attention.

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