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Velorina was wondering around looking for her next meal, she was humming a tune to herself as she walked, staring at the dead swamp around her. She can see in the distance a young deer grazing along the swamp minding it's own business, she continue forward when the wind picked up. She raised her nose to the air smelling a familiar horse, "Hmm." She said as she followed Roaches scent. It's been a while since she and Geralt saw each other last, they go their separate ways then some way meet up at the most random places, such as here in a swamp. Roach perked her nose up smelling the air, she turned her head spotting the familiar Vampire and took a step back out of natural fear, "Oh come on girl, you still don't like me?" Velorina asked to the nervous horse. "It's not like you didn't know me since you were a foul. I would think this would be easy for you." Velorina said to the still nervous but loyal horse who stared at her as if knowing what she was saying.

Velorina turned her head as she saw Geralt and a monster shooting out from the swamp, one of the monster apprentices swipe at the young deer hitting it's leg before the deer knew what hit it. Velorina didn't care about the animal, she only watched the battle that was being presented in front of her, she never really seen Geralt fight monsters in person, she only watched from a distance to make sure her friend didn't get himself killed. She held her breath when the monster took him under water, Velorina moved closer as Roach took a step back, she watched with more fascination at the drama. From the mirky water she can see Geralt trying to reach for his sword, she wasn't worried the sword wasn't that far from his reach, she was beginning to worry when he just couldn't seem to get a grasp on his sword. "Hurry up Geralt." She mumbled to herself as she finally saw him grasp the sword then swiftly stabbing it into the master head, slicing it off like butter. Velorina let out a sigh that she didn't know she was holding, she turned to the horse who stared back at her with unsureness, "You were just going to stand there and watch?" Geralt asked in annoyance when he spotted his old friend, "You know, I almost drowned." He complained as he finally made it out of the swamp.

Velorina gave him a look to which Geralt smirked, "You and I both know that wasn't happening, plus I didn't want to get my new clothes dirty and smelly." Velorina smugly said to him, Geralt looked at her new digs nodding his head in approval, the injured deer let out a painful moan as it tried to stand up but couldn't. Geralt stared at the poor creature, "Today just isn't your day is it?" He asked it. The deer only continue to moan in pain, Geralt decided to take the creature pain away by killing it swiftly. Velorina looked indifferent at the young fawn, "Poor thing, at least now you can eat something." She said to him. Geralt grunt as he walked to the monster, "I need to finish this first. I saw a post for it's head, i'm hoping to find the Alderman in Blavikin." Geralt said to her as he went to cut off the monster head. Velorina stood at the edge of the swamp with a disgust look on her face, "What is it?" She asked as he dragged the upper half of the creature out of the swamp, "It's a Kikimora." Geralt simply said as he went to work. "Hmm." Velorina said nodding her head, she put her elbow in her hand as she rested her fingers on her chin, "Interesting, how much do this thing go for?" She asked. Geralt grunt as he finally cut off the monster head, "Hopefully enough." He stated. 

Velorina rolled her eyes at his simple answer, "Such a Witcher." She simple stated. "What do the Alderman want with this ugly thing?" Geralt stared at her in confusion, "I don't know, nor do I care. I just want the coin Vel, nothing more." He grunted to her, Velorina moved out of his way and followed him to Roach who made a nervous nicker to her owner, "It's ok Roach." Geralt softly said to his horse, "I don't understand why she's so fearful of me. I helped you take care of this." Velorina complained as she pointed to the horse. Geralt smiled once he was done tying up the monster to Roaches saddle, "Oh sure, be calm with the dead monster." She mumbled. Geralt ignore her whine as he went onward with taking care of his breakfast, "Don't take it personally Vel, she's a horse. You are a threat to her in her mind." Geralt went about cutting up the dear meat to cook, Velorina "Hmm'd." as she sat on a nearby tree crossing her legs. "What bring you here?" Geralt asked. Velorina sigh, "I was looking for my next meal to be honest. Then I saw the most amazing show instead, I just had to stop and watch as a poor fool was playing in the swamp." Velorina joked. 

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