Parting Ways

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Velorina and Geralt walked in comfortable silence as they made their way back to Roach. Velorina was humming a tone that was ancient, it was a tone that her mother would sing to her when she was really young, she held the tone close to her heart, as much of a heart that she has. She chucked to herself at the thought, "What?" Geralt asked as he snapped out of the peacefulness that her singing caused subconsciously, "Just thinking is all." Velorina answered back. "Thinking about what?" Geralt gently wondered, he was always curious about the woman beside him, now that he think about it, he don't really know that much about her, "I was thinking about my parents." She softly said after a minute. Geralt paused as he heard her, this was the most he heard her talk about her past, "The song, my mother sung it me." She said with a smile.

Geralt felt his chest squeeze seeing the beautiful smile on her face, Velorina always was good at hiding her emotions he figured out. Somewhere within her, he always felt sadness, anger, and rage from within. He never was sure how he knew this, it just felt like it came from a different sense that was only between the two of them. "Tell me about her." He said. Velorina sigh softly, "I don't really want to talk about her Geralt." She sternly said. Geralt nod his head in understanding, "I will say, she had a beautiful voice." Velorina offered. Geralt huffed as he continue to walk beside her, "I think your voice is beautiful as well." He said, he smirked when he see her bashfully looking away, "It's not that good." She mumbled. Geralt smiled to the woman, loving that for once in a rare occasion he can make her feel embarrass, "Its beautiful, among other things." He softly said while looking forward ahead of them.

Velorina stared at the him in confusion, "Oh you think so? Like what?" She asked with curiousness of a child. Geralt didn't think he would ever see this side of her, she was always so pose, and put together. During their travels together, it seem she got very comfortable with him, she seem to be relaxed and some of her true personality came out, but only in short, very short burst. This was one of the rare occasion that she let it surface, "Like the way you walk." He started. Velorina gave him a very unimpressed look, "The way I walk?" She asked, "Hmm." Geralt answered. "The way you speak." He listed as he paused to stare at her, Velorina continue to only glare at him softly, "Ok." She said with a smile. Geralt lifted his hand as he cuffed her face, his thumb gently glazed over her soft lips, "The way you smile." He said. Velorina swallowed as he continue to list almost everything about her, not only physical things, but everything.

"Velorina, to me everything about you is beautiful. I knew even as a child, you were special to me. Still is, you are everything I think about. I thought about you every day since my mother dropped me off to Vesimir." Geralt walked close to her, Velorina felt her very own chest squeeze as he kept talking. "You helped me get through the trials, I wanted to give up countless of time. The only thing that stopped that was the thought of seeing you again." Geralt slowly raised his other hand, resting it on her waist, he watched as her face softened even more. He rested his forehead agasint hers while the two held eye contact with one another, "Then I thought after so much time has passed you have disappeared with the time. I thought, maybe I can find some kin that you left behind and protect them as much as I could." He said. Velorina let out a light laugh, "Little did you know I was a vampire." She softly laughed along with him.

Geralt nod his head as he ran his thumb along her jaw, "When I found you again, I swore to always find you." He gently said. Velorina sigh hearing him say that, she grab his hands removing them as she held them, "Then why try to die these past few months?" She asked him. Geralt sigh as he looked down, he pulled her hands to his chest holding them. "I don't know, I guess for a while I felt I wasn't good enough for you. I felt," Geralt didn't finish as he looked at her lips, Velorina slightly opened them as he watched her, "I felt, like you may not love me as much as I love you." He finished. Velorina let out a breath hearing the declaration,  she closed her eyes as he leaned against her, never before has anyone outside of her parents told her they love her. She swallowed hard as she pressed against Geralt forehead. "I think I loved you since I was a child. I thought after some time it would go away, instead it got stronger, I tried to fight it." He then wrap his arms around her waist, Velorina wrap hers around his both holding each other, "I'm tired of fighting it Velorina." Geralt whispered.

Velorina leaned back to stare at him in the eyes, Geralt moved some of her midnight blue hair away from her face. "Geralt." She softly said to him, the two eyed one another as the leaned close, Geralt stoped just as their lips grazed one another. He wanted her to close the distance, he didn't want to pressure her into anything she may not have been ready for, Velorina did hesitate. She knew she felt a connection with Geralt, even when he was a child, when she laid eyes on him something sparked in her chest. At the time he was just simply annoying, but with time she tolerated him and he wiggled his way into her dead heart. She only thought, it was because she was lonely, she thought it was because she was looking for something that she lost. Now standing here with Geralt after he admitted his feelings she knew that all this time, she was falling in love with the now grown man before her. 

During their travels the feeling just got stronger, when he found and saved her from that god forbidden castle that spark ignited and continue to manifest and blossom into what it was now. She looked at his lips wanting them against hers, she ran her thumb across them as their noses rested against one another. She hasn't felt this way ever in her life, her main goal in life was to take down those who took everything from her, that was her life goal, she didn't want to bring Geralt into her mess. The cult did foul things to her as a child, she was branded damage, how would he react seeing the brand on her body, his hands were so close to it that it reminded her why she couldn't kiss him. She loved him, she knew, but she didn't want to drag him along with her in her search, she let out a sigh as her head won over her heart. "Geralt, I can't." She softly said to him.

Geralt let out a sigh, "I love you Geralt. Really I do, I love you with all my heart." She whispered to him. "Than why?" He gently asked her. Velorina pulled away from him, "Because there is something that I must do. There's something I must take care of, and I don't want you apart of that. I don't want you getting hurt because of me." She gently said to him. Geralt stared down at her shaking his head, "Let me help. Velorina, i'm willing to lay down my life for you if that what it takes." He declared as he held her hands, "I know. I know you will Geralt." She said. "Then tell  me ,let me in Velorina. Tell me, what is keeping you from me, and I to you?" Geralt asked. Velorina wanted to tell him everything, she wanted to with her very being, but it was still to painful for her even after all these centuries. "I love you Geralt, I think it's time we go our separate ways for a while." Velorina instead answered pulling away from him, Geralt stared at her, as she took a few steps back and sigh, "Will I see you again?" He asked. Velorina smiled at him, "I'll never leave you Geralt." She then put her hand over his heart, feeling it beat quickly, "You have my heart after all." Velorina leaned up, kissing his cheek than resting her forehead against it, Geralt held her hand as he leaned his head against hers, "I'll miss you." He said. Velorina blinked with a sad smile, "I'll miss you too love."

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