Feminine Touch

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To say Velorina was surprise to see Triss was an understatement. "So, Geralt said you saved his life." Ciri said to the red head woman. Velorina watch as Triss and Geralt shared knowingly looks to one another, "He found himself in my kingdom a time ago." Triss says with a smile. "Helped me with a princess in trouble." "Nastier then you, even." Geralt intervene with a smirk, Velorina scoffed at the interaction between the two. Ciri only nod while eating not believing the Witcher for a second

"He's not joking." Triss smirk leaning forward, "She took a big chunk out of him." She whispers, "But he saves her anyway." Velorina laid on her back listening to the conversation below from the rooftop. "Well, you healed my cheek. Seems pretty impressive too." Ciri comments. "I like your dress." Velorina couldn't stop the gag from forming at the sweet comment, "Thank You." Triss smiles at the young girl.

"Would you like me to show you around the keep?" Ciri ask. "I actually know this place pretty well." Triss answers. Velorina wasn't to surprise with that news, with Geralt mother knowing about the Witcher school and them using and needing magic having sorceress's around wasn't that uncommon. "When Geralt told me what Triss has done for him, I invited her here." Vesemir told the young girl. Velorina can hear the care Vesemir has for the redhead.

"I brought her here for you." Geralt told Ciri. "To help guide you." "What like Mousesack did for my mother?" Ciri ask in confusion. "Just like Mousesack." Geralt reassure. Ciri stare at Triss who only smile, "But now it's time for bed." Geralt told her. "I'm not tired." Ciri said while taking a drink, "Alright come on you little rat." Coen intervene, "I'll play a few rounds of snaps with you before bed." Coen, Lambert, and Ciri stood up to leave the room. 

"Good night." Ciri says to everyone." Rounds of good nights was passed around, Ciri pause staring up at the ceiling. "Good night Velorina" She said before following Coen out the room bickering about who will win the game.

 That news caught Triss by surprise. "Velorina? You mean she's here? With you? Here?" Triss point to Geralt than downward indicating the keep. Geralt nod, "She is." Triss look around with her eyes, "Is that a problem?" Velorina ask in her ear. Triss didn't react only calmly replies, "No, just surprise is all." Velorina walk around sitting next to Geralt, "Hmm." Was all she said back. Triss smile at her, "I'm surprise you talk to me. When we met before you barely spoke at all." Velorina only stare at her uninterested.

Triss took that as a Segway to other topics at hand, "So, your surprise was more of a surprise than what you expected." She say to Geralt who seem to be in a trance when Velorina took her seat. Geralt turned away from Velorina giving Triss his attention, "And mysterious. She won't tell me anything before the fall of Cintra."

"Well if her mother did have powers as you say. If she was a mage who never properly harnessed, the child could have inherited an evolved version of it." Triss explains, "But it's an untested theory. When did Ciri start exhibiting signs of Chaos?" Velorina picked at the bread playing with it, admiring the texture while making crumbs everywhere. "That's the issue, she hasn't exhibited any typical indicators of Chaos. She can't even form Witcher signs." Geralt answers watching Velorina play with the bread.

"What do you mean by Typical?" Triss ask staring at the mess the Vampire was making, "She might have the power of foresight. She seems to have visions of things that has yet to come to pass." Geralt explain carefully. "Like what?" Triss ask. Velorina sigh in annoyance, "She saw me at the aftermath of Sodden Hill. Before it happened"

Triss sigh with sadness, "No one should have to set sight on that carnage. That loss." Geralt stare at the sorcerers clenching his jaw, "There's more. Ciri felt something else." Geralt stood up indicating the women to follow, Triss walk along side him while Velorina took the rear. "A Pull, towards the leshy that tuned Eskel. Like a compass to a magnet she led me straight to it." Geralt pulled the sheet away from the monster that attacked him and Ciri, "And this."

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