New Friends

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The young Geralt skipped to his mother who was impatiently waiting for her son to arrive, "Mother!" Geralt hollered with joy as he spotted his beautiful mother. Visenna turned around seeing her son just as joyful as ever, "Where have you been son, i've been calling out to you for ages." She explained. Visenna looked over her son, checking him for new bumps that he usually get whenever he goes off to play, "I was playing warrior mama." Geralt simply explained as his mother turned him around, Visenna sigh, "You know the rules Geralt, when I call you answer and come straight to me. Who is this friend of yours?" She asked in a mothers worry. Geralt paused as he remember what his friend told him, "I don't know, she didn't tell me her name." Geralt said. Visenna smiled down at her son, thinking he was talking about a village girl, "Why didn't she tell you her name? Do I know her." She asked while holding her hyper son hands as they walk to their hut, "No, no one does. She's special." Geralt said to his mother as he swung his stick making sure not to hit anyone one purpose. Visenna stared down at her son, "How is special?" She asked. Geralt didn't answer, he only continue to swing his sword, he was thinking about when her face was scary, but really cool. Then her face changed again, making her beautiful and still scary, but of course more beautiful!

Geralt smiled to himself thinking about her, and how he couldn't wait for the next day so that he can play with her. Visenna smiled down at her son seeing his own secret smile of someone who may have a little crush on a village girl. She then frowned as she thought about how that union will never be in the next few days when she will give her son to her good friend to be trained to become a Witcher. "Mom." Geralt called out, "Yes dear." Visenna responded back staring down at her son who big childish eyes were on her, "Can I play with my friend tomorrow? I promise to return home when you call. I will be really fast!" Geralt asked with a childish smile, Visenna nod her head. "Of course it's ok. Next time stay close, so you can hear me." She said. Geralt nod his head, he knew he will be able to make it to her fast, because his friend has super hearing and will tell him when he need to head home.

Once dinner was done, and Geralt was washed up for bed, Visenna tucked her son in and making sure his stick was outside and not hiding under his bed again. "Sleep well my love." Visenna said as she kissed her son head. Geralt closed his eyes as his mother kissed him, "I will." He said with sleepiness. Visenna smiled as she blew out his candle, she looked back to her son one last time before closing his door. Geralt opened one of his eyes, checking to make sure his mother was really out of his room, he soon threw off his fur rushing over to grab a book. He listened for his mother room door to close before he quietly opened his door, he tiptoed out of his room being careful of the chairs that was around the wooden tables. He crawled down his secret opening that he hid with another chair, pushing the rock out of the way before running across the village, making sure to stay out of peoples vision.

Geralt curls was flying in the wind as he ran to where his friend was. He smiled when he spotted the tree from the tall grass, he made it to the small opening smiling while clenching his book. He looked up, seeing the spot empty. He looked around searching for his friend, he couldn't call out, for it was late and the moon was at its highest. Geralt begin to whimper thinking his new found friend and crush left him without saying goodbye. With his eyes closed, clenching the book in his small hands, he felt a cold finger brush against his cheek wiping away the tear that came down. Geralt opened his eyes then looked up at the woman who had his tear perfectly placed on her finger, "What's with the tears tea cup?" Velorina asked with a knowing look. 

Geralt wiped his eyes not wanting to look like a child in front of the woman, "I thought you left." He mumbled. Velorina rolled her eyes at him, "I did, I had to eat something." She simply said as she stood up to her tall height. Geralt than notice she changed her clothes and look more refreshed, he then notice her strange color hair in the moon light, "Your hair is blue?" He asked as he step closer to her trying to get a better look. Velorina raised her eyebrow at him, "Maybe, what's it to you tea cup?" She threw back as she walked away from the annoying child. Geralt smiled following her, "I told you my name is Geralt. What's yours?" He asked. 

Velorina smiled as she looked down at him, "Awe, now you ask for my name." She said with a smirk as she lead the child around the field trying to find something more away from the village before she take her leave. Geralt walked in front of her while hiding the book, he giggled childishly, "My mother wanted to know, I told her we are friends." He childishly said. Velorina sigh as she looked up at the night sky, "Did she also tell not to follow strangers?" She asked the small child who skipped in front of her, "Yeah, but if you tell me your name then won't be a stranger." Geralt explained. Velorina sat down at a secluded area, Geralt sat right next to her, putting his book on his lap, "What you got there tea cup?" Velorina asked. Geralt smiled at her, "It's my favorite book, I was hoping you can read it to me." He said. Velorina only stared at him, "You're suppose to be home, your mother will worry you know." She said. 

Geralt nod his head, "I know, only one chapter then i'll go home. Please." He asked, widen his eyes, with a small smile. Velorina sigh as she mumbled to herself, she went to take the book, only for him to move it away with a cheeky smile, "Only if you tell me your name." The young child said. "That's not how this works" Velorina hissed at the child, Geralt was unfazed and gave her a look. Velorina scuffed as she looked off to the side, "I'm over a century year old, and a child his blackmailing me." She mumbled. Geralt laugh hearing her, "Velorina, my name is, Velorina." Geralt eyes widen hearing the name that sounded so ancient and old. He handed her the book with a smile, Velorina stared at him while she opened the book and begin to read.

Geralt stared at the woman as she read every word from his book, he couldn't believe how very pretty she was. How she read as if she's been there before, as if she knew every fairytale that she was naming. He always liked how his mother read him his stories, but something about Velorina reading brought something soothing over him, he slowly closed his eyes as sleep was beginning to over come him. He jumped as he felt his body begin to slump, he was trying to fight the sleep that was slowly winning the fight, he stared at Velorina not wanting to go to sleep. He blinked his eyes, than blink them again as they begin to close, his body laid on the vampire, his head resting on her rib as sleep over took his senses.

Velorina smiled when the young boy final went to sleep, she was enchanting him to fall asleep as she read the fairytale stories. When the young boy body slump against hers, she froze feeling the contact. She wasn't use to contact with other beings, she spend almost all her life with limited contact other than her feeding. She stared down at the sleeping child, closing the book then resting it on her lap, she study the child, memorizing his features. She slowly raised her clawed hand, then gently moved it across the sleeping child face, bushing his soft childish curls away from his eye. Geralt moved closer to her, curling up into a ball as the cold night air picked up, Velorina knew she had to get him home, she gently picked him into her arms, cradling him. She put the book into his arms as she moved to where his home was. Following the scent trail, it wasn't hard to find, she quietly opened the door, not making a sound as she went into the boys room. She placed him on his fur, making sure he was comfortable before covering him, she continue to stare down at the child as he turned over facing the small window. Velorina closed her eyes, as she took in his scent, "Hmm." She said, something about the small child entice her, maybe it was for the fact he was the first human to really talk with. Maybe it was his innocence, it couldn't be that, she was around plenty of children and never felt what she was feeling with this young boy. Velorina squat down, she gently placed her claw hand over his small one while staring at the child with light kindness, "Night tea cup." She said before leaving the home, just as quietly as the night air.

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