Found You

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Geralt, he sat in a conner of an Inn enjoying his ale when a conversation between two men caught his attention. "Did you hear, they are about to release her tonight." One man said with laughter. Geralt made a disgusted face hearing the beginning of their conversation, "That beast is getting boring, they need to kill her and get it over with." The second man complained. "What are you talking about?" Geralt asked, he couldn't help but to ask. The men scuffed at him, "None of your fucking business Witcher." He said before he spat towards the Witcher, "Why don't you mind your own business and leave this town. No one want you here Witcher." The second man said before they left the Inn. Geralt grunt as he watched them leave, the Inn woman let out a sigh as she refilled his cup, "Sorry about them." She said. Geralt eyed the woman then the door where the men left, "Do you know what they were talking about?" He asked. 

The woman nod her head, "Yes, they are talking about the Vampire that was capture a few years ago. They have this poor thing locked up, starved. They let her go triggering her bloodlust. For what ever reason, nearby monsters come inside the building where she is being kept, smelling the forest blood i'm guessing that they pour. They let the Vampire go, and she fight the monsters wanting to feed but she never do." The woman explained. Geralt gave a confuse look, "She?" He asked. "Yes, the mage capture her. Every since she's been this place entertainment. A lot of the folks here put their last earnings into the fights. If you even want to call it that." The Inn woman explained. "These fools don't know what their doing. If that Vampie gets hungry enough, she can destroy the entire town." Geralt said as he gather his things. "Let us hope, you get their in time." The woman said to him before she too disappear in thin mist.

Geralt followed the men to what look like an abandon building, but he can feel the magic that encased the building. His medallion was shaking badly due to the monsters nearby, "The battle must going to begin soon." Geralt said to himself. He notice guards were watching the building, he made a quick dash, keeping close to the shadows as to not be seen. Once inside, Geralt walked along the walls, following the chatter that the audience was creating. Peaking over the side, he can see cages, some hanging from above the barley intact ceiling, some farther down. Geralt glared as he watched a fat man, stand in the middle of what look like an arena, "Ladies and Gents. Welcome! I hope you're ready for a spectacular time." He said as he joyed up the crowd. Geralt rolled his eyes, shaking his head, he kept his eyes out for the Vampire that the two men were talking about, "Now, without farther ado! Let this bloodbath begin!" The man hollered. The crowd once again went crazy, Geralt soon smelled blood, it wasn't normal, it was mix with something that he couldn't put his mind to.

Soon roars were begin heard, Geralt turned his head when monsters begin to enter the building. The magic begin to surround the audience, protecting them. Geralt looked around trying to find the mage, he found him, sitting above everyone with his legs crossed and staff lit. "Hmm" Geralt said. The monsters begin licking the ground, trying to find the blood that was calling to them. Soon another roar went out, Geralt felt his hairs on his body stand at end. He looked around, as the crowd stood up, in anticipation, the roar sounded off once again, some lesser monsters ran out, not wanting any parts of the danger. The crowd begin to clap in a manner that reminded Geralt of a chant, the monsters that stayed stood up smelling the air, readying themselves for battle. Geralt got his sword ready, he drank a potion, as he prepared for what ever was coming. 

Geralt stood in the shadow, his eyes were as black as the night sky. He continue to watch as a gate was quickly opened, he spotted red eyes coming closer, soon a figure ran out killing the first nearby monster. The crowd cheered, some shouting, "Kill them!" others shouting, "There she goes!" Geralt was disgusted with them as he watched the carnage happen, the Vampire was doing work with the lesser monster. One monster got the best of the Vampire, causing her to fall to the side. Geralt didn't want to believe what he was seeing, it's been so many years, soon flashbacks begin to enter his mind. The familiar face, the red eyes that he saw when he was a child, that unique color hair, how could he ever forget her. He didn't know at the time, when he was a child what she was, he forgot about when he first saw her, at that tree and she tried to scare him away. Geralt now knew, what she truly was, how did she get caught up in this mess, how long have she been here. Geralt didn't care, he had to get her out of here, safely, as well as for the village safety.

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