Old Friends

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Velorina dropped the body she was feeding on, on the ground with a thud. She sigh with contentment as her hungry was finally satisfied. It's been a few weeks since Geralt came and rescued her from the horrible village. Velorina decided it was time to look a bit more presentable and less like a homeless monster, which is what she was if she was being honest with herself. Velorina located a nearby steam tress who's shop was very small but wholesome, walking in she was greeted by a young woman which surprise the old vampire, "Hello, how can I help you?" She asked. Velorina cleared her throat as she handed the young woman the money she stole from her meal, "I would like some clothes please." Velorina said with a pleasant smile. The young woman heart skip a bat seeing the beautiful smile, "Of course please this way, I know the perfect outfit!" She said with excitement. Velorina raised her eyebrow at the woman excitement, "You mean, you made all of these young one?" She asked while looking around.

"Oh yes! I know i'm young but, I have talent you will not find anywhere else on this continent." The young woman boost with pride. Velorina chuckled to herself as she eyed a particular outfit, "Do you like that one?" The young woman asked. Velorina shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not to picky." She simple stated without much care. The young woman shook her head at the beauty, "Oh no dear, a beautiful woman such as yourself need the best of the best. Which is why I got you this." Velorina turned around seeing what the young woman was holding, she nod her head in approval, "I like, may I try it on?" Velorina asked as she took the clothes from the steam tress hands. Once Velorina was dressed, the young woman went to quick work to properly fit her in her new clothes, "You have talent young one." Velorina commented. She smiled when she heard the woman heart once again pick up, "Thank you." The steam tress softly said with shyness. "Hmm." Velorina said in return. 

The young woman giggled, "What?" The old vampire asked. "Oh, nothing. Just, you remind me of the Witcher that's passing through. He needed some fixing for his wears as well, not much of a talker." The young woman said. Velorina turned her head looking down, "White hair, brooding face?" She asked. The young woman stood up finishing with her measurements, "Yep, exactly the one. You look perfect." The young woman said with a smile while crossing her arms, staring at her work on a beautiful woman, hoping she would spread the word about her business. Velorina stared at the woman with a smile, she step down from the petal stool slowly going into the woman space, she heard the young woman swallow as she stared into her eyes, "Thank you young one. You have a lot of talent." Velorina whispered to the young woman, she caressed the woman face, seeing her melt like pudding, Velorina grazed the woman lips with her own, "Where can I find this Witcher?" Velorina whispered. "At the Inn I believe." The young woman whispered back as she continue to stare into the woman eyes, she looked down noticing the sharp teeth inside the woman mouth.

She gasp in surprise and excitement, "Something wrong?" Velorina whispered while holding the girl chin between her fingers, "N-no." The young woman licked her lips as she continue to stare at the Vampire before her, "Just, was wondering if the rumors were true." The young said. Velorina raised her eyebrows already knowing what she was talking about, she notice that the young woman kept eyeing her mouth since she entered the building, "Is what true love?" Velorina asked. The young woman licked her mouth again while staring into her eyes, "That when you bite someone, they feel extreme pleasure?" She quietly asked. Velorina leaned close to the woman neck, if it wasn't for the fact she just feed, the girl would find out for herself only to end up not confirming it with her gossiping friends, "Maybe one day, you'll find out." Velorina whispered to her before walking out the door. The young steam tress held her heart that was beating so fast, she leaned against the wall in her shop to steady her shaking legs, breathing hard as if she just made love with the air, "Holy shit." She whispered. She clenched her legs tightly together, trying to stop the throb that was happening between them. 

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