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Geralt and Velorina left the fallen kingdom of Cintra to try and find Ciri also Geralt wanted to go back home, back to Kaer Morhen. Night has fallen and Velorina felt like she was in her element. She loved the night, she always has, it's in her DNA. Geralt smiled seeing the little pep in her step as she walked through the forest like the grim reaper himself, "You seem happy." He said as he rode on Roach, who sniffed the odd being that was leading them around, "I love the night Geralt. It's peaceful, quiet, everything is at a standstill. Yet at the same time danger lurks around every corner, it's the perfect scene for drama sometimes, and a hunt." She said with a wicked smile, "Stop that." Geralt rolled his eyes at his woman. Velorina let out a giggle to which Geralt smiled, he always love her laugh. Geralt and Velorina stopped, both seeing a man moving corps in an camp that was clearly overrun. Velorina scuffed at the old man, along with the smell that was around even if they were miles away from the peasant, "Let's go around." Velorina said as she begin walking without waiting for an answer, "No, he's going to get himself killed." Geralt answered, he kicked Roach forward wanting to help the human.

Velorina rolled her eyes as she watched, "You're going to get yourself killed one day." She said to him with her arm crossed not moving from her spot, "You keep telling me that, and i'm still here." Geralt smiled at her then turned around looking forward, "Geralt love, for once let the human meet his fate. If he's willing to join the dead then let him." Velorina was beginning to get irritated with Geralt nobility. Geralt stopped Roach, "I can't let him die Vel, he need to be warn at least. Then I will leave him be ok, are you coming?" He asked. Velorina let out another huff, "No, i'm not saving that peasant. Sometimes nature need to take their course, if the forest want him let them take him." Velorina stated stubbornly. Geralt nod his head kicking Roach forward much to the horse distaste as she smelt what was ahead of them. Velorina rolled her eyes at her stubborn man, "Fine! I'll meet you on the other side. Don't come crying to me when you get killed!" Velorina hollered to him, Geralt only raised his hand to her. Velorina nose flared as she 'hmm'd' while turning away from him, "Foolish Witcher, stupid noble conscious." She mumbled while kicking the forest dirt around as she moved.

Geralt rode Roach to the man, the horse let out an uneasy whine when she was told to stop. The man looked to the Witcher who eyes glowed in the night, "I'll winds follow grave robbers." Geralt said to him. The scuffed at the known Witcher, "If I was a robber, i'd be taking their belongings, Butcher." He said as he went back to pilling up bodies, "If I was a butcher you'd be amongst the corpses." Geralt threw back with hast. The man let out a sigh as he knew that would be true, "I was goin home to my family when I came across these poor souls. Cintran refugees. Dead at least a week." The man explained. Geralt looked around hoping to not find the child around, he didn't smell her among the corpse but one can never be sure with corpse. "Now they're feast for the crows." The man finished. Geralt was hearing the Ghouls coming closer to the mass grave, "They're not crows." He told the foolish man, "Wolves?" "No." The man sigh in annoyance, "With the hands of two, I could move quicker." He bargain.

"The only thing you should do quickly is flee." Geralt told the man. "Come on Roach back to Kaer Morhen." Geralt said to his mare, who gladly agreed wanting to get away from the horrid smell. "Don't leave! look at these people. Innocent people all killed for what?" The man hollered. Geralt was beginning to understand how Velorina felt about him, 'How ironic.' Geralt thought as he continue on, trying to ignore the man plead. Soon Geralt heard the Ghouls make their move towards the man and the bodies, he halted Roach with an annoyance sigh, he grab his sword to quickly run back to save the man from death. 

Velorina let out another sigh as she heard the man holler in fear then a sword slashing threw the forest. She was tapping her feet waiting for the fight to be over between Geralt and the little monsters that always annoyed her to no end. "Hurry up idiot." She mumbled as she listened to the fight. She looked to her claw nails without care until she heard Geralt holler in pain, Velorina snapped her head up, "Geralt!" She hollered as she raced through the forest to save him. In a blink of an eye she saw him taking out the last Ghoul before looking down at his leg "Fuck." He said when he saw the bite. "Geralt" Velorina said as she cuffed his face with worry. Geralt smiled at her seeing her beautiful face, "Almost a happier ever after, after all." He mumbled as he cuffed her face. "Geralt." Velorina said with worry as she smelt the wound on his body and the infection spreading, she begin to shake when Geralt fell to his knees, her following down with with him holding his arms. "A fitting end." He said to her before passing out in her arms.

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