Kaer Morhen

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Velorina watch as Geralt started to look like himself as his potion wore off, while meditating Geralt can feel her eyes on him. Ciri was watching the mysterious woman herself taking in her appearance and the fancy but simple outfit she was wearing. Ciri had to admit she was very beautiful, flawless, extremely quiet but something about her cause Ciri to instinctively be extremely cautious with the woman.

It was natural for humans to view Higher Vampires as such, it was their makeup and design to be as flawless as possible to the human eyes. With keen eyes such as Witchers and other beings, they can see the monster that lay and wait in such a beautiful masterpiece.

"What are you?" Ciri ask suddenly breaking the quietness. Velorina didn't answer the girl, in fact Ciri wasn't sure she even heard her. Licking her lips Ciri clench her knees watching the fire, she knew she disobey Geralt orders to run. It was only a matter of time before the lashing starts. Glancing over back to Velorina who only watch Geralt careful, she hope by talking with the quiet woman it would lessen the blow of Geralt rage. 

The Witcher let out a breath his skin back to its healthy glow. Velorina put her hand gently on his injured knee, "Are you ok?" She ask quietly. Geralt smile at her nodding his head, "I'm fine." Turning his head slightly he being to speak to his young charge, "When I say run. You run, when I say hide. You hide. And when I say get to Roach-" "I know." Ciri interrupts. She clench her hands to her chest staring at the fire, "I think there's something wrong with me." Ciri says. Geralt stare at her with worry, "You're perfectly healthy Runt." Velorina confirm for Geralt sake when she heard his heart speed up. "No. Everywhere I go people die." Ciri tells them. "Well-" Velorina stop when Geralt gave her a hard stare to stay quiet. Velorina smile smugly shrugging her shoulders.

Ciri continues, "I feel like I could, burn the whole world." She stare at Geralt in confusion, "I wouldn't mean to. Just make me feels so afraid. All the time." "Fear is an illness." Geralt reassure her in his own way. "If you catch it and leave it untreated, it can consume you." Ciri stare at Geralt and Velorina, "How did you treat it?" She ask. "You face it. Facing your fears is not easy, but I am here for you." Geralt tell her softly. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Ciri stare at Velorina who only glare at her harshly not putting comfort that she share the same statement. Geralt nudge Velorina causing the Higher Vampire to huff in annoyance. Ciri smile to Geralt, "Alright." She than went back to watching the fire with a little more peace on her face.

Velorina stare off into the night thinking about getting her next meal when Ciri once again ask more of her questions. "So." Ciri starts but was cut off by Velorina, "One question Runt. That's all I can tolerate from you." Velorina say to the curious girl. Ciri smile at the chance, Geralt wiggle in his seat in anticipation knowing at the moment Velorina wasn't tolerant of Ciri. He hope she can give the girl a chance, if Ciri played her cards right.

"Are you like Verenna?" And just like that, the card game ended. Geralt sigh to himself knowing Ciri played the wrong hand. Velorina growl at the girl, "Don't ever compare me to a low life like that scum to the earth. I don't care if you are Geralt 'Law of Surprise'." Velorina air quote, "I will drain your life force to the point where there will be no way in hell that you will see your precious love ones again you Runt!" Velorina growls one final time before disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Geralt sat with a small smile shaking his head at his girlfriend. Ciri only blink at the quick turn of events, "Sorry about her. Her species are very....prideful." Geralt tell the young girl. Ciri open and close her mouth, "I didn't mean to offend. I just." Geralt only shake his head, "I know you didn't. Give Vel time, she will one day come around." Geralt then mumbles to were Ciri couldn't hear, "Maybe."

Ciri lean forward, "What is she then? Clearly not human." Geralt nod, "She's what you call a Higher Vampire. She's above a Bruxa even if they are put in the same category, like humans and ape. Vel is much more than a Bruxa ever wish they could be." Geralt explain briefly. Ciri was still confuse, "How? You called Verenna a monster. Isn't Velorina one as well?" Ciri ask. Geralt nod his head, "Yes she is. She's just as dangerous if not more so, but like I said. Velorina species is in a completely different league. They blend in so well that it's even hard for us Witcher to tell them apart from humans." Geralt continue, "Our medallions don't even vibrate when they are around. You can spend your whole life time around them and will never know you're in the face of danger." Geralt finishes.

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