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Velorina was walking around near the Blue Mountain region, she hasn't been in the area for long. Going from village to village was an adventure for her, she would look around, staring at each person that she passes trying to find the perfect meal. Velorina paused when the wind blew in her direction, she lifted her covered head smelling the scent that caught her attention, it made her mouth salivate. Her preferred meal was virgin blood, something about it was pure and like no other, if she wanted to really treat herself she would drink from a Noble. The fact that that Nobles are healthy and take care of their bodies made their blood rich and sweet with the food and wine they intake, it was her chocolate. The blood that she was smelling was calling to her, it was like the person scent was cradling her nose, calling to her to come forward.

Velorina nose zeroed in on the scent, a small sweet smile graced her lips causing the passing men and some women to smile at her thinking they were the reason for the sweet smile that graced her face. Velorina paused when she came across an area, an area that was filled with birds. Velorina smirked thinking it was a lowly bruxa, she moved forward ignoring the cawing of the surrounding birds that was warning their master of the nearby threat. Inside the territory Velorina spotted a young woman that was tending to a child, the young woman stood up greeting the danger, "Hello, can I help you?" She asked with a sweet smile. "Yes, is this your home?" Velorina asked kindly, her hood from her cloak shielding her face, "Yes it is, I share it with my husband." The woman answered, something inside the woman was telling her, that something was wrong with her visitor, "He should be home any moment. If you need assistance i'm sure the innkeeper can assist you." She timidly said. Velorina can smell the fear from the woman, the wind picked up once more, pulling the woman scent, making the higher vampire almost lose control.

"I think, you are all the help that I need love." Velorina smiled then moved forward, the birds were becoming wild, Velorina growled at them, causing them to flee. The woman jumped hearing the noise coming from the strange woman, "Please, don't do this. I have a son that needs me." The woman cried as she moved away, Velorina only smiled showing her sharp teeth. She was in the woman face before the woman could even resister what was happening, Velorina hum a gentle ancient melody to the woman. The woman begin to relax as the melody swirled in her head, Velorina snuck her teeth into the woman neck, the woman moaned in pain but also pleasure. Velorina allowed her prey to feel just a small amount pleasure when she feed, when fear or pain entered their bloodstream it caused the blood to be bitter for her, but when pleasure entered their blood, it course freely like sucking through a straw. This woman was a virgin, one of Velorina favorite prey, when she was young it use to be children blood that was her go to. Feeding from children was great but they were to small to feed from, you would need a farm to get your feel the older a vampire gets.

Velorina could hear the child that the woman was tending to begin to wonder around the hut, she didn't care about the child well being. Humans to Velorina was just food, just like cows, chickens, and geese were to humans. Velorina almost drained the woman completely from her life source when she heard a faint sound of a sword being released from its sheath. "Let her go." A voice command from behind, Velorina smiled into the woman neck before pulling away from the weak human. Velorina turned around holding the woman as if she was her chid, she spotted a man with a sword drawn and eyes as black as the night sky. "I'm not going to tell you again, put the woman down." The man ordered with sternness. The higher vampire dropped the woman like a sack of potatoes causing the poor woman to groan in pain, she was on the verge of life and death, her skin blue and lips purple. The child ran outside hearing the voices and screamed bloody murder. Velorina annoyed with the child knocked him out, causing him to fall beside the dying woman.

"What do you want Witcher?" Velorina asked in a sinister way as her and the man circled one another. "There's a contract out for you. You've been terrorizing these mountains for to long." The Witcher said to her as he danced with the vampire. Velorina laugh at the man, "I've only been here for such a short time kitty cat. You sure it wasn't the bruxa that made this place her home." Velorina said. The Witcher glared at the vampire when she called him a 'kitty cat'. The Witcher was from the school of the cat, "No, you fit the description perfectly. With your unique hair color it wasn't hard to track you down." The Witcher sneered at the beast, Velorina could hear his normally slow heartbeat pick up a bit, 'Good, at least you know the threat that you're dealing with.' Velorina thought as she paused, she was growing tired of the dance, the Witcher paused gripping his sword tightly, this was his first time fighting a higher vampire. His master told him to avoid them at all coast, but the coin was just to good to pass for the young Witcher, and he was crazy enough in the mind to take on the beast. "I hope your ready to die beast." He spat.

Velorina smiled showing off her bloody teeth, she put down her hood. The full moon help showing off her blue hair that could pass as black in the nights when the skies is at it darkness, the Witcher swallowed seeing the beautiful vampire. Velorina gently laugh, with her finger up to her lips, "This is your last chance Witcher." She quietly said. The Witcher mentally shook his head from his lustful thought, "Let's go leech." The Witcher sneered before charging head first towards the monster. Velorina having just feed was a little slow, but still quick enough to dodge the swipes of the sword. She laugh when the Witcher became increasing annoyed, "Come on and fight!" He hollered as he once again swung at the vampire. Velorina reached up, grabbing the sword from the Witcher ignoring the pain that the silver was causing her, she then punched the man in the stomach causing to fly across the field.

The Witcher groaned putting his hand on his chest, he looked back at the smirking vampire with a glare. Velorina charged once again towards him, aiming to knee his throat in only for the Witcher to roll out of the way in the nick of time. Velorina glared at the annoying man, the Witcher can see her eyes turning a faint red color as she charged once again at him. The Witcher had to block continuously with his sword as her nails grew and her movement becoming erratic. Velorina may have been an old vampire, but she was still young in their customs. When she was born, she didn't have anyone to teach her how to fight like she should, her parents weren't the best of vampire parents, so she learned as she kept living. This was her weakness, her own animalistic instinct work against her from time to time, since the Witcher had formal training he can tell that this Vampire didn't have much experience with fighting.

The Witcher used this to his advantage when he went on the offense. Velorina growled loudly, with her teeth growing long and her eyes turning red. Never before have the Witcher witness a higher vampire who transform like she does. Even in the books, it didn't show a vampire like her, normally when a vampire change they turned into bat looking humanoids. This monster look the same only with longer teeth, claws, and red glowing eyes. The Witcher jumped away from the vampire to give him time to put oil on his blade, he quickly took the bottle of Vampire oil splashing it on his sword. It would have to do for Velorina charged at him in blinding anger, the Witcher smiled as he swung his sword hitting the monster across her chest. Velorina screamed when she felt like her skin was burning from her body, she looked down seeing the blood. Her body wasn't healing as fast like she was use to, she glared at the Witcher with claws extended swiping blindly from the pain.

The Witcher continue to dodge with a cocky smile, now that he knew this Vampire didn't have formal training this fight became to easy for him. That was his grave mistake, due to his cockiness, the vampire was able to swipe at his eye causing him to scream bloody murder. He put his hand up to his eye, it was still intact but he too was in pain. Velorina went behind him and bit his neck, causing the man to groan in pain as he clawed her face. Velorina was about to rip his neck to shreds when she felt a burning sensation in her mouth, pulling away before she can ingest anymore of the poison. The Witcher laugh as he looked at the vampire shock face, "Black Blood bitch." He smirked as Velornia begin to feel the effects on the Witcher potion, she begin to feel weak as the indescribable taste filled her mouth. Her body was turning black due to the witcher potion coursing through her body. The Witcher went on the offense once again to handle the monster once and for all, Velorina vision was beginning to blur as she continue to fight. The Witcher sword found it's way into her body causing the higher vampire to growl in pain and anger, using the last of her strength Velorina grab the Witcher by this throat causing the man eyes to widen, she used her other claw hand to clean swipe his head from his body.

Velorina dropped along with the Witcher headless body. She groan as she pulled the sword from her body, she knew it would hurt but she needed to get close to the Witcher in order to win. She can still feel the black blood coursing through her body, she weakly turned on her stomach, the black blood was making it to where her body wasn't heal like it should. She crawled to the young boy who was still knock out beside the now dead woman. She sunk her teeth into his body causing him to convulse due to the intrusion of her teeth and the fact she didn't try to smooth his body before penetrating his neck. His blood helped with her gaining some strength, she pulled away from the dead child tossing him away from her. She then weakly stood up, holding her chest and side as she begin to leave the village, she growled at the bruxa who came to investigate the situation only for her to run away from the higher being. Velorina continue on her journey to find a place to heal in peace, and also to heal her pride for being stupid for biting a Witcher.

A/N: Ok, this is the introduction to my new Witcher story. I hope you enjoy this, I loved the Witcher since playing the game and reading some of the books. I'm not an expert but I still hope you will enjoy this journey.💖

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