Coming Together

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Velorina opened her eyes wide when she came crashing down back to earth, "Fuck!" She hollered in frustration as she rolled onto her back breathing hard with leaves and sticks stuck in her midnight blue hair. Over the past months, she has been trying to improve her mobility. One of her old friends who himself was a Higher Vampire, told her that they can turn into a cloud of mist and travel at tremendous paced. The other plus side is that the humans and Witchers can't harm them while in that form. Velorina huffed out another puff of air from her mouth as she sat up, brushing off the reminder leaves from her body, "This is shit." She mumbled to herself. She rested her elbows on her knees while looking around with annoyance, she sat up again taking a deep breath then releasing it. She felt her body breaking down within itself, everything around her turned grey, but so very clear, her mist was the color of her hair, midnight blue with a black undertone. She was speeding through everything, passing through trees and rivers just as a natural as any mist. She was beginning to feel herself getting use to the sensation when she once again lost her concentration, and begin her decent to the earth once more in solid form.

A scream was heard from under her as she landed on a familiar scent. Both begin to groan, one in pain, the other in annoyance. Velorina stood up with a glare kicking the ground with her boots like a frustrated child, "Damn it!" She growled as she went along her way ignoring the human that begin to stand up, "Hey, hey! It's you, the love of my life! The Quiet one." Jaskier hollered as he caught up with her. Velorina huffed as she glared at him when he blocked her path, "Move." She commanded. Jaskier smiled at her while trying to look sexy, "So she do talk, tell me m'lady how have you been all these years?" He asked. Velorina rolled her eyes as she shoved him away from her, Jaskier stumbles from the surprisingly strong shove, "I do like them strong. More experience I heard." He mumbled to himself, he bit his lips when the beautiful woman turned to him with a glare over her shoulder, "I mean, I-, I-" Jaskier stuttered. Velorina closed her eyes as she vanished before his eyes in a cloud of beautiful mist, Jaskier let out his breath as he felt his heart beat against his chest, "That's one hell of a woman." He mumbled. He then heard something splash along the river and smiled as he ran to catch up with Geralt.

Velorina sat on a tree as she watched Jaskier meet up with Geralt, it's been years since they last saw each other. She's been trying to find the cult that capture her as a child and so far her leads have been cold, she found a small cult that was forming but of course they were small fries compare to what she was after. None the less, she took care of them with pleasure. She then decided to catch up with her old friends, usually Vampires stick to themselves, but sometimes Velorina get the urge to get some knowledge from her Elders. There wasn't many Vampires that was older then her around in this world, but a few do stumble among themselves and luckily destiny brought the two HIghers together. Velorina sigh as she heard Geralt voice as he spoke with the annoying human, she clenched her chest feeling a smile reaching her face as she listened to his voice. She finally smiled when he got pissed at the annoying human and his voice hit that pitch that was her favorite. She stood up from her perch knowing it was best to continue her practice, she looked over to the two men one last time before disappearing just as quietly as an ongoing mist.

Geralt looked over his shoulder through the forest around him, he felt that familiar pull, only briefly before it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. "Hmm." He said to himself while looking around him, he turned back around to his net as he once again fixed it to throw it back into the river, "So, what are you fishing for exactly?" Jaskier asked with curiousness of a child, Geralt ignored him as he threw his net, the pull was bring back hope into his soul after so long of not feeling it so strong. As Jaskier was listing all the fishes that he knew, Geralt was trying to find Velorina pull within and hope he can make her stay with him, he missed her, a lot. He knew that they will find each other. In some twisted way, it seems like they always will, he held onto that knowledge close to his heart. Geralt one day hope that she will let him in, and tell him what's been causing her so much pain all these years, he had a faint idea but he can never be sure when it came to his love.

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