The Journey

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Jaskier was sitting on a boulder working on his next song, he was having a hard time coming up with a concept while he thought about the beautiful maiden with the unique hair, he looked at the two men who were waiting for the Witcher to finish out their contract. "What do you prefer, gorgeous or lovely? Is the whole metaphor landing or is it too cerebral?" Jaskier asked while thrumming his lute. The two men starred at the annoying man, "It's been an hour, lets get on before the beast get hungry again." One of the men said. "But we made a deal." "We made a deal with a living Witcher. No sense in hangin around to pay a dead one." The man said with a smile, he then went to Roach to gather Geralts belongings, "Hey, that's not yours. Put that down before I-" Jaskier begun, before trailing off when the two men walked up to him, "Or you'll what? Kill us with your singing?" The man asked with a smile. Jaskier was about to reply when three strangers made themselves known, "Perhaps you did not hear the man." A strange man said, Jaskier jumped in surprise then jumped again when two warriors walked behind the strange man.

"Yeah perhaps you did- I'm sorry who are you?" Jaskier asked the strange trio as they went in front of him like a wall, one of the warrior woman stood behind the strange man while the other walked behind the man that was taking Geralt belongings, "Move along, old man." He said. "Do as the Bard asks or i'll be forced to draw my weapons." The strange man threatened with calmness, "What weapons? I don't see no silver." The man sassed. Jaskier could barely blink when one of the warriors woman broke the man neck with a cry, "Cha!" Jaskier cried. "No sliver is necessary." The warrior said calmly to the now dead body. Geralt threw the head of the monster he was hunting down as he made his way down the canyon, he paused seeing his belongings in the hands of the man who hired him, "I think those belong to me." He calmly said.

The man threw down his belongings tossing his coins to the Witcher then running off. Geralt glared at Jaskier as the bard stuttered, "Geralt, they- with the-" Jaskier had to take a swallow before continuing, "This woman just killed a man with her bare hands for stealing your things." Jaskier told as he pointed to the trio with his other hand on his hip, "Then maybe she will make a better traveling companion." Geralt sassed to him as he too eyed the three, the strange man smiled as he eyed the Witcher, "My name is Borch Three Jackdaws. These are my companions Tea and Vea." Borch smelled as his warriors walked beside him, "I've been looking for you Geralt of Rivia." Borch smiled while pointing at the very confuse Witcher.

Geralt decided to follow Borch to the nearby tavern, he was in need of a good drink and food. He was feeling some type of way when Jaskier told him that Velorina saw him and Yennefer having sex in the Mayor house. Geralt shook his head as Borch begin to tell him about the hunt he wanted him to be involved in, not just any hunt, he wanted to hunt a dragon. He explained how  King Niedamir said a green dragon landed across the border of his mountains, Geralt didn't believe what the crazy man was telling him, and Borch knew so he continue his tale. "Locals spotted it and went after it in search of treasure. They say it swooped down from its lair and set half the hillside ablaze." Borch explained with his own flare, "Dead sheep everywhere." Borch finished his tale, the two men then heard Jaskier flirting with Borch warrior ladies, "You have a beautiful neck. It's like a sexy goose." He flirted. Geralt eyed his horny friend with embarrassment  when Borch continued his tale.

"Now the King is in a bind, he is said to marry the Princess of his rival kingdom Malleore. Which means it's bad timing to have a dangerous monster terrorizing the mountain side, he commissioned a hunt to kill it. Four teams has signed on." Borch finished while eyeing Geralt, "What does that have to do with me?" Geralt asked. Borch smiled he then looked down before eyeing the Witcher once again, "I want you to join my team." Borch explained simply.  "We are so doing this we are in." Jaskier chined in, Geralt rolled his eyes at his annoying friend, "You wasted your time. I don't kill dragons. Take my advice, no treasure is worth dying for." Geralt explained to the joyous man.

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