Double Agenda

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Geralt couldn't believe that Yennefer was alive and well, it took him by surprise to find her in the temple. Ciri seem to be taken a liking to her as well, "You can't let me believe that Unicorns are real." Ciri says with a smirk. "Of course they are." Yennefer answers back. "I used to own a stuff one. Until it broke." Yennefer tells her with a small laugh. "Under mysterious circumstances. 

Giving Geralt a look, "Well, I'd love to see one some day." Ciri caught the look but not understanding. "You'd be in rare company. They only approach those who are pure of heart." Geralt tell her. He than look to Yennefer, "Which remind me. How did you get your hands on one?" Yennefer look high offended, "Good sir. I'm a beacon of purity." She tells him while laughing. Geralt shake his head staring out the window next to him, missing his own less than pure lady love.

It's been a few days since he last seen her, after the Triss fiasco Velorina just seem to up and disappear. It wasn't uncommon but that didn't make the longing any less painful, "That remind me. How did you survive Sodden?" Ciri ask Yennefer.

"I almost didn't. I'm one of the lucky ones, depending on your definition of luck." Yennefer stare at the girl. Ciri nod, "Well, Geralt says you're one of the most powerful mage he's ever known." Yennefer stare at the Witcher, "Well that's nice of him." She smiles. Geralt nod his head towards her, "You're staying here to heal? Have you been injured or something?" She then ask him. "Of course not. Monsters ceased biting and clawing ten years ago. But what about you?" Geralt ask back.

Yennefer took a deep breath, "I crossed path with another of your uh...dear friends. He told me what happened at Aretuza." Geralt tell her. "Is that why you're here?" Yennefer look away down at the floor, "Hiding from the Brotherhood?" Yennefer took a drink not wanting to answer, "Yes." She finally nods, "It's been a difficult few months. But things finally seem to be turning a corner." Geralt knew she was hiding something.

Ciri stare at the woman, "I dreamed about you once, before I even knew about you." "Dreams are powerful omens. Perhaps we were meant to find each other." Yennefer smiles towards her. Ciri sigh standing up, "I'm going to go to bed. Or figure out how to work this thing." She says holding up her contraption. "This place is a maze. I'll walk you." Yennefer offers. Ciri turn around shaking her head, "No. No, it's alright. I can find my way." Ciri rush out the room.

Geralt stare after her, "Where's your Vampire?" Yennefer ask looking around the temple. "Somewhere doing who know what." Geralt answers. Yennefer wanted to make sure it stayed that way, 'Good. This make things a little easier.' She thought. "I'm sure she's not far away then." She say with a smile. Geralt only stare at her, "What changed your mind about claiming the girl?" She suddenly ask. Geralt sigh, "Many things changed my mind." Was all he says.

"I ran into Jaskier." Yennefer told him crossing her arms, "In Oxenford. He was in some trouble." "What kind of trouble?" Geralt ask with slight worry. "This fire fucker was after him. A mage. I don't know who he was. He was looking for information. About you." Yennefer and Geralt stayed silent, "He's looking for Ciri." Geralt concluded.

"Why? What is she to him?" Yennefer ask walking up to him. Geralt finally had to know, "Yen. Your heart is beating fast this whole time. You're nervous." "So?" Geralt sigh, "Why are you here?" He ask again.

"I have some wounds that refuse to heal." Was her given answer, "You still want to have a child?" He ask. To his surprise Yennefer shake her head, "No. It's different this time." "Well, let's hope it's different for the both of us." Geralt can only hope, after what happened the last time she was desperate for a child. "I need to find Ciri." Geralt quickly walk off to check on the girl. Yennefer stare after him clenching her jaw nervously following behind.

Ciri was looking around the Temple staring at all the books they have to offer. She was trying to figure out how to use her contraption, reading one of said books her hand felt something slightly warm and thick. Pulling away she spot blood on her finger tips, looking down at the floor a trail was form. 

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