Seaside Thoughts

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Velorina sat on a cliff side watching the waves of the ocean clash on the land. She sat with her knees to her chin, arms wrap around her knees in deep thought. She was thinking about her past, thinking about her parents, she was thinking about how new this world was when she first arrived. Now looking at how far and how fast Humans has colonized the lands, Velorina felt she was in a completely different universe entirely. She let out a heavy sigh, it's been a few centuries since she thought about her past, it's been a while since she thought about her parents, she missed them terribly but everyday it gets easier. 

During her travels she has learned a lot, she mostly taught herself everything she knows. Sure there were other Higher Vampires around, but only a few and far between, while humans came in the dozen they came in a few. The portal won't be open until who knows how long, Velorina wanted to go back home, at the same time she wasn't sure if she really wanted to. She didn't have her parents anymore, therefore she really didn't have status, at least that's what she wanted to believe. Humans have took away everything from her, if they didn't come, if the foolish Elves didn't trust, all of this wouldn't have happen. Velorina closed her eyes as rage begin to creep in her bones, she was learning to control her other half, it was hard but she didn't want to feel that out of control ever again. 

It took a while for her to control it, it wasn't fully of course but it was a start. Velorina opened her eyes back as she looked out once again at the sea, the salty air was some comfort, the sound of the ocean brought relaxation back to her body. She stood up brushing off her pants, she bend down grabbing her cloak tying it around her neck then covering her face with her hood, she was feeling hungry and her prey was getting close. She jumped off the cliff to the ground below, she swiftly walked along the road, as the carriage came closer she smiled with a devilish smirk, the horses neighed, feeling the fear that was ahead of them. Velorina heard the drivers command their animal to continue forward, when the carriage came closer, the horses stopped right in front of the Vampire.

"You there! move out of the way!" The driver commanded. Velorina smirk at the fool, she grab his neck before he even realize what happened then snapping it throwing his body away from her. The other driver tried to take out his sword but he too was dispose. Screams was heard from the family inside, Velorina opened the door slowly eyeing the frighten family inside, the man quickly defended his family as he charged out the cart to the mysterious being, giving his wife and child enough time to hopefully escape. Velorina chuckled to herself, Nobles were her favorite, she loved their blood the most, outside of virgins of course. Velorina stepped aside when the man swung, "You know i'm going to kill them right." Velorina teased. The man growled as he swung at her once again, "Over my dead body." He said. Velorina smiled as she dodge the man, she heard the woman and child running farther into the forest, "I must go, my food is escaping." She said to the man. She disappeared in a blink of an eye to chase after the woman and child, the man let out a roar of despair as he tried to follow where his family ran off to.

Velorina laughed as she appeared in front of the woman causing her to scream, she quickly grab the woman beautiful dress bring her close to attach to her neck. The woman tried to fight the Vampire to no avail. Velorina hum'd a tune from her past to calm the woman as she feed. The woman begin to moan in pleasure and pain as her life force was being drained. Velorina ignored the child who was crying from behind the tree, she had her eyes closed as she drank the warm blood that was flowing freely. When the woman went limp, Velorina dropped her on the ground without care. She appeared in front of the child, smiling down at the child with blood covering her lips. "Are you going to kill me?" The young girl asked. Velorina didn't answer, she snatched the girl up to quickly drain her as well. The man came just as she threw the young girl on the ground beside her mother. In his blind fury he charged at her only for him to meet the same fate as his family. Velorina stared down at her feast with joy, she pulled down her cloak as she licked her lips clean.

She begin to walk away to find someplace for her to relax for the rest of the day. This was a big feast for her, she's been tracking them for weeks, waiting for the perfect time to strike. She even went to their many banquets, blending in, just how her father taught her. It was to easy, all she had to do was drink the wine and smile sweetly at all the noblemen and women and she was part of the club. This family caught her attention at one of the banquets, it reminded her so much of herself, their blood called to her, like a moth to a flame. She wasn't sure why, but certain bloods just do that for her. Velorina didn't bother with the young boy who watched the whole thing from afar, his blood was that of a peasant, a sick one on top of that. Velorina pulled her hood back over her head as the village was coming into sight. She sigh to herself as the the usual cat calls begin, thanks to the drunks that surrounded the area, this village was quickly becoming a small town.

Velorina loved to travel, to see different people, to hear different sounds, even hearing people talk with a different dialogue was fascinating to her. Did that ease her hate for them, she wasn't sure, she was still looking for the people that branded her, and took her parents away from her. It was like they disappear in the universe, but she was determine to find every last person. She remember their scent, she made sure to store them within her memory. Subconciously she touched the brand that was just behind her ribs, sometime she can still feel the pain when she received it. Growling, she scared a nearby drunk only for him to come at her with rotten teeth, "Well darling, I can make you growl harder, just jump on me and we can make something happen." He said as he shimmy close to her, Velorina continue through the village ignoring the man comments about bedding with her.

Once Velorina was clear of the village she paused as she thought about where to go next, the coast was nice but very boring. She wanted to go towards the mountains, it's been calling out to her for the past few years, something was pulling her in the direction of the Blue Mountains region. She didn't know what it was but she decided to finally answer the calling, she looked behind her before running top speed to her destination. A smlie graced her lips, the happiness didn't reach her eyes, it was like her body knew what was going to come her way, and it was excited.

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