Chapter 1

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Tong Xuelu was awakened by the sound of cicadas outside the window.

Wait, she remembered she was skiing on the ski resort before she fell into a coma. Where did the cicadas sound in the winter?

She opened her eyes in a puzzled way, and saw a rough mosquito net. On the wooden table next to her, there was an old-style thermos and an enamel jar with the words "Women on top of the sky".

Tong Xuelu was still confused, and the door of the room was violently pushed open.

Cai Chunlan walked in and saw the person on the bed closed their eyes, and her thick lips moved away and complained:

"You said that the little girl is such a big person, why is it so troublesome to do things? Actually hanged at home! If I hadn't come in and take a look, now the family will be killed!"

"Okay, don't you say a few words..."

"Why should I say a few words less?! I used to think that she was your sister and my sister-in-law, and I let her. Now it is determined that she is not the daughter of the Tong family. Why should I be her ancestor? According to me Say, as soon as they wake up, they will go out immediately!"

Cai Chunlan gloated at the person on the bed.

In the entire backyard, who doesn’t know that the second elder of the Tong family loves the youngest daughter the most. She holds it in her hand for fear of falling and holds it in her mouth for fear of melting, and even the two sons have to stand back. Tong Xuelu enjoys a good snack. Raised skin is whiter and tenderer than a peeled egg.

It’s just that Tong Xuelu’s personality is tricky and self-willed. She, a sister-in-law, has to let her go everywhere. She thought that this aggrieved life was going to be tough, but she didn’t want two months ago when a girl suddenly came to Tong’s house and said she was Tong. The child who was taken away by a kidnapper 15 years ago.

This news was like a thunder, stunned the entire Tong family.

Fifteen years ago, the three-year-old Tong Xuelu was taken away by a kidnapper, and she didn't find it until two years later, because she had a small mole on her back and other information was also correct, so the Tong family had no doubts.

Who knows that in the end it is to help others raise children!

The woman's loud voice was loud and full of breath, and Tong Xuelu was so disturbed by the noise that she wanted to jump up and give her a slap in the face.

At this time, after digesting the memories that did not belong to her in her mind, she had an urge to cross the gods in her heart, and she actually wore a book.

A moment ago, she was skiing on the ski resort with a little fresh meat. Little fresh meat has a handsome appearance, wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, plus a good family background. She is a very good suitor.

Over the years, countless people have fallen under her skirt. She enjoys the feeling of being sought after, but she is not tempted easily.

Many people called her a VIP in green tea and a fighter in scumbags. She just laughed off.

Compared with men, women are always harsher in this world.

Xiao Xianrou has been chasing her for three years. She is obedient and obedient, and she is also very capable. She thinks that if it is not him, she will be a good wife and mother since then.

But she didn't want to have time to talk about the relationship between heart and kidney, so she bumped her head on the tree beside the snow road.

When I woke up, I was in the 70s.

✓The Green Tea's Crushing Victories in the '70sWhere stories live. Discover now