Chapter 6

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In such a night, the boy's voice appeared clear and abrupt.

Tong Xuelu opened his eyes and said, "This is my home, and you are my only relatives in this world. I come back naturally to reunite with you."

There was a sneer in the air: "It's okay for you to use these words to coax others. Do you forget how you scolded them when my parents were in the past? You said that our Tong family is a beggar's den. They come back!"

Tong Xuelu was startled for a moment, and then he remembered what the original owner had done.

Tong Dajun and his wife came to the door three times. For the first time, the original owner fainted directly after hearing that they were not Tong's daughter. At the second visit, the original owner pointed the Tong Dajun and his wife's nose to let them get out, and chased them out and threw all the things they brought on the ground; the third time, although they didn't make a jump, they just avoided seeing them.

The Tong Dajun and his wife had an accident on their way home for the third time.

Thinking of this, Tong Xuelu couldn't help feeling a headache.

She originally wanted to play the family card, but now it seems that this card is useless.

"If this is the case, then I won't say anything polite, I can't stay there anymore, I need a place to live."

There was another sneer on the opposite bed immediately: "Why do you think you can come if you want?"

Tong Xuelu's red lips tickled: "It's up to you to eat the food I cooked."

If Tong Jiaming wants to drive her away, he should go crazy as soon as he sees her.

But he didn't.

The reason why I have been holding back no episodes is naturally not because I have feelings for her cheap sister, but because-

She has use value.

There was no sound on that end.

The night was dim, and Tong Xuelu couldn't see his expression clearly.

But thinking and knowing with your toes, it must be gritted teeth.

Tong Xuelu calmly said: "If I'm not mistaken, you dropped out of school and stayed in the factory to work, because you wanted to sell the two workstations before the people from Beihe's hometown came up, right?"

These words are like a thunder on the ground!

Tong Jiaming sat up from the bed with a "rub", and stared at her: "You, what is your purpose?"

"If I say I have no purpose, do you believe it? But you don't need to say that I know you don't believe me. In fact, apart from the two work stations, I also know that you haven't notified Beihe's hometown. What would you think of you now?"

Tong Xuelu's voice was lazy, but what he said was like a sharp knife, cutting away his shamelessness.

Tong Jiaming clenched his fist next to him: "I don't care what your purpose is. If you dare to speak out, I...I will never let you go!"

He panicked. He panicked. He panicked.

Hey, it seems that the future boss is still a bit too tender.

Tong Xuelu sat up with him, changing his sloppy attitude: "Let's cooperate."

Tong Jiaming didn't say a word.

"You know, with your current age and status, it is impossible for you to sell two positions in the factory, and it is impossible for you to hand over the pension to you. In other words, no matter how you plan, it will be useless. , And now half a month has passed, how long do you think you can hold back at Beihe's hometown?"

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