Chapter 42

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Ma Mei and the man looked sneaky. Before they came, Ma Mei kept making detours. Their behavior really made people want to get crooked.

After the autumn, the day became shorter, and the sky was gradually darkening at this time, but there was still no one coming over here in the alley.

Tong Xuelu looked around and found that the man next door hadn't turned on the lights at the moment. He didn't know if he hadn't gone home yet or there was no one living.

She catted in the corner for a while and was bitten by mosquitoes several times on her face.

Itching made her want to go crazy. She used the mosquito bag on her hand to make a cross and a tic-tac-toe with her nails, and then they were eggs.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Ma Mei hadn't come out of the house before Tong Xuelu walked out of the corner.

The wall of the man’s yard is a bit high, although he can climb in, but if someone finds it, it’s hard to escape.

So she only glanced at the door and went to the back of the house.

To her surprise, there was a window at the back of the house. The window was an old-style wooden window, which was tightly closed at this time.

She tiptoed over and pressed her ear to the window.

I just listened to the sound of um, ah, ah, and the creak of the bed shaking from time to time.

Woo, her ears are dirty.

As a veteran who has read countless films, he knows that he is driving a luxury car inside.

After confirming that something was going on inside, Tong Xuelu didn't continue listening, and returned to the previous corner to feed the mosquitoes.

After ten or twenty minutes, Ma Mei finally came out.

The moonlight tonight is very bright, shining on Ma Mei's face, and she is full of spring and eyes with amorous feelings, as if dead wood has been moisturized by the spring rain.

Ma Mei glanced around, there was clearly no one, but she still said, "Dah, Aunt Mei is gone, I will see you next time!"

The man came out this time with a little girl in his hands.

The little girl looked like she had just woke up, and beckoned to Ma Mei listlessly: "Goodbye Aunt Mei."

"Goodbye, Da Ya." Ma Mei said, blinking at the man, "Brother Fu, I'm leaving."

Man: "Well, be careful on the road."

Ma Mei smiled at him, twisted her hips and walked away.

When Ma Mei walked out of the alley, the man closed the door and carried the little girl into the house.

Tong Xuelu didn't move the cat until she was calm again before she came out of the corner and went home.

According to the information she received, Ma Mei was married and had one son, one daughter, and two children.

The man had a child in his hand just now, and he was obviously married, which means that they both cheated!

The consequences of breaking the shoes these years are very serious. Once they are discovered, they will be ruined.

If she wants to expose Ma Mei, the next things to do are:

1. Investigate Ma Mei’s husband’s work unit and get the unit’s phone number.

2. Find out the situation around the man's house to facilitate the next deployment.

3. To figure out the relationship between a man and Ma Mei, but this is not a big deal if you don't figure it out.

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