Chapter 31

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Tong Xuelu was startled, thinking that Wen Rugui would come back so soon, right?

She tidyed up her clothes and walked towards the door.

When she was about to open the door, she asked cautiously: "Who is it?"

At this time, there is no surveillance, no cat's eye, and no anti-theft door. If someone is standing outside, she would be very dangerous to open the door.

A strange woman's voice came from outside: "Hello, I'm next to you, my husband's name is Wei."

The voice sounded very kind, and Tong Xuelu opened the door.

I saw a woman in her fifties standing at the door.

The other party has a fair complexion and elegant features. He wore a white "Queliang" shirt on the upper body and black "Queliang" trousers on the lower body. No folds were visible on the clothes.

Tong Xuelu looked at the woman in front of him, and three words appeared in his mind: rich man.

Although "zhenliang" began to appear in the early 1960s, they were produced in small batches for export and foreign exchange, and only a small amount would be exported to domestic sales in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai.

It takes hours to line up to buy a "zhenliang" dress. The key point is that this dress is particularly expensive!

A shirt costs about 15 yuan, and the monthly salary of an ordinary worker is only 30 yuan. Most people are reluctant to spend money on such a piece of clothing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the "Qingliang" of this era is the same as the later LV and GUCCI, and it is a symbol of status.

And the whole set of "real good" in front of this woman, isn't she just rich?

When Tong Xuelu was looking at the woman in front of him, the woman was also looking at Tong Xuelu.

A stunning look flashed through her black and white eyes, and then her brows frowned.

She felt that the person in front of her was a bit familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it for a while.

Shen Wanrong showed a gentle smile on her face and said: "My husband's family name is Wei, my surname is Shen, and I live next to you with my two grandsons."

Then she pointed to the small courtyard on the right, which was about five or six meters away from the small courtyard on Tong Xuelu's side.

Tong Xuelu looked in the direction she was pointing: "Hello, my name is Tong Xuelu. Tong is a single person in the winter. My brother and sister and I just moved here today because the house has not been cleaned up yet. Visit everyone in the past."

Shen Wanrong was startled slightly.

Last name Tong?

No one she knew had the surname Tong.

But in that remark just now she only mentioned herself and her younger siblings, but did not mention her parents. Could it be that their parents are gone?

But if you don't have parents, how can you afford or rent such a house?

Shen Wanrong had a lot of doubts in her heart, but it was difficult to ask questions because they were not familiar with each other.

"We only moved here this year. The house has been empty and unoccupied. Now it will be fine for you to come, and we will have a companion in the future." She said that she passed the chestnuts she brought over, "This is a relative for us The chestnuts sent here are very soft, take them back and eat them."

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