Chapter 24

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It took Tong Xuelu a lot of effort to convince Su Xiuying's neighbors.

In fact, with her testimony alone, and the wounds on Su Xiuying's body, He Baogen and her son can also be sent to prison, but the penalty is not likely to be too heavy.

If the neighbors are willing to testify, that would be the best.

Because the nature of one-time domestic violence is different from that of long-term domestic violence.

She has very poor senses for He Baogen and He Po and her two mothers and sons.

At that time, she ran into the yard and saw Su Xiuying lying on the ground with blood on her face. She was really shocked and angry!

She wondered why even if Baogen was a bastard, he shouldn't kill his wife, but she didn't expect him to be as good as a brute!

This is also the reason why she lied to persuade those people just now.

Without sending them to prison, it would be difficult for her to swallow this breath!

Although she has borrowed the names of Wen Rugui and Piao Jianyi, her starting point is to help people. Even if they let them know, they shouldn't care too much, right?

But thinking of the embarrassing thing last time, Tong Xuelu decided not to tell the two of them.

With the testimony of Tong Xuelu and his neighbors, and the two policemen who saw Mrs. He hit Su Xiuying with his own eyes, there was no doubt about this case. He Baogen and Mrs. He were immediately imprisoned.

When she was detained, Mrs. He pointed at Su Xiuying and cursed her not to die, and all kinds of swear words were endless.

He Baogen did not scold, but knelt down to Su Xiuying: "Xiuying, I know I was wrong, please forgive me this time! I know I shouldn't beat you, and I don't know why I did that!"

Su Xiuying did not expect that he would kneel to herself, biting her lips, and squeezing her hands into fists.

He Baogen saw that she was silent, and when he moved his heart, he raised his hand and slapped himself severely.

"Xiuying, I really know that I was wrong! Xiaoqiu is only three years old. She can't live without a father. If my mother and I go in, others will say that she has a jailed father! And it was her mother who reported it to you. What will others think of her in the future?"

Su Xiuying pressed her lips tightly, and a struggling expression appeared in her eyes.

Seeing He Baogen kneeling just now, she didn't react at all, but now the other party mentioned her daughter, and her eyelashes trembled uncontrollably.

He Baogen saw that Su Xiuying's face was shaken, and he quickly continued his efforts: "Xiuying, for the sake of the child, you forgive me and mom. I promise that I will never do anything with you and the child in the future. It’s up to you. Didn’t you say that you want to make a new dress for Xiao Qiu? Shall we go buy her now?"

Huang Xianglan was too anxious to see her cousin loose.

She turned to look at Tong Xuelu, hoping she could help persuade.

Tong Xuelu was expressionless, pretending not to see Huang Xianglan's gaze asking for help.

Su Xiuying must stand up by herself, otherwise no one can save her.

If she chooses to forgive He Baogen this time, even if she is killed by He Baogen in the future, she will not help anymore.

The lobby of the Public Security Bureau was as quiet as a chicken, and everyone held their breath and looked at Su Xiuying.

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