Chapter 51

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Tong Xuelu wanted to cry, why did she encounter such embarrassing things every time?

But as long as she is not embarrassed, it is the little milk dog who is embarrassed.

Tong Xuelu smiled: "Comrade Wen, why are you here?"

Wen Rugui met her misty eyes, his heart beating like thunder.

She said he looks good!


good looking!


Does this mean that in her heart, he is actually different from others?

When Tong Xuelu watched him look straight at him, he felt bad. Isn't he angry?

"Comrade Wen, I was joking just now. The gui I just said was not your name, I was talking about the tortoise of the tortoise."

As soon as he spoke, Tong Xuelu wanted to smoke herself.

What are you talking about, the more you explain, the less decent it is.

She coughed: "I was wrong again just now. I was talking about Osmanthus osmanthus. I want to name this dog Xiaogui. What do you think?"

Wen Rugui: "!!!"

In fact, he didn't hear what she said just now. As soon as he heard her complimenting his good looks, his heart beat, and he could no longer hear other voices.

Only after listening to her explanation did she react. Did she just want to name this dog Xiaogui?

Even a puppy has to take his name, can he think that she actually has that meaning to him?

Thinking of this, his face turned red, and his ears and neck instantly turned red.

Bang bang bang!

Wen Rugui was suddenly thankful that the two were a little apart, otherwise she would definitely hear her heartbeat.

When Tong Xuelu saw his face suddenly reddened at a speed visible to the naked eye, he was stunned.

Is it really angry?

Normally he is not like such a stingy person, but she is also wrong, so he and the puppy are tied together in a good way.

Tong Xuelu thought for a while, and decided to make up for it: "Think about the name Xiao Gui is not very good, Comrade Wen is very knowledgeable, would you like to help you choose a name?"

Wen Rugui came back to his senses, and suddenly his mind flashed: "Would you like to call Xiaolu?"

She gave him his name, and he should be named after her.

Tong Xuelu: "..." It's really unnecessary.

Tong Xuelu felt that he had met Wen Rugui again today, but he did not expect that under his gentle appearance, he was actually a black belly!

Wei Zhuzhu, who was standing by, was fascinated by her gentle beauty.

Suddenly he came back to his senses at this moment, and said suddenly, "Sister Xuelu said it was Xiaogui, this nice brother said it was Xiaolu, or should I call it Green Turtle together?"

Tong Xuelu: "..."

Green turtle? ?

What the **** is this!

No no, hurry up and put your thoughts back!

However, Wen Rugui's eyes lit up, as bright as stars in the night sky, and Tong Xuelu felt flustered.

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