Chapter 3

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The single room allocated to Tong's family is in the middle, next to Aunt Cai's.

Before I reached the door of the house, I saw a little girl sitting on the steps with her chin in a distance, staring at the ground motionlessly, not knowing what she was looking at.

The little boy twisted again: "Mom, let me down, I want to play with Mianmian."

Aunt Cai unceremoniously slapped his **** twice again: "You're a monkey covered in mud, you don't want to do harm to others."


Tong Xuelu's apricot eyes brightened.

The little boy started crying and howling. Aunt Cai didn't coax him. She turned around and said to Tong Xuelu: "Mian Mian is your little sister. This child is so young that he has no parents. It really hurts.

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Tong Dajun and his wife had an accident at the same time. One of the two older children from Tong's family went to the factory to help, the other went to school, and then handed Mianmian to her to help take care of her. .

It's just that she has so much work to do every day, and there are so many children in the family. Where can she take care of it?

Now that my sister Mianmian is back, she can leave the burden on her sister in the future.

There was such a big noise in the yard that the little girl didn't seem to hear it.

The eyes kept staring at the ground, and it was strangely quiet.

A few people walked over, and Aunt Cai's loud horn-like voice screamed again: "Mianmian, come here, your sister is back."

I don't know if I heard the word "sister", the little girl suddenly raised her head.

The little girl has a small face with powder makeup, her eyes are big and bright like black grapes, and her long and dense eyelashes are like two small brushes.

Tong Xuelu whistled in his heart.

She is indeed a well-known female star at home and abroad in the 1990s. She is already a beauty at such a young age.

Tong Mianmian was elected as the "Top Ten Most Popular Female Singer in the World" and "Top Ten Most Popular Actress in the World" in the 1990s, and was the only star who went abroad at that time.

It was just at the peak of her career that she suddenly committed suicide without leaving a last word, which made future generations feel infinitely sorry and lamented.

Later, someone analyzed that the reason why Tong Mianmian chose such a decisive approach had something to do with her several love affair cheatings, and most importantly, it had something to do with her miserable childhood.

An unfortunate childhood requires a lifetime to heal, and the insecurities caused by the original family will stay with people for a lifetime.

Although the three children of the Tong family will all become big names in the industry in the future, none of them are truly happy. They can even be described as tragic.

The three elders of the Tong family later died of illnesses, and none of them left any offspring.

But now it's different, she's here!

With her presence, it will definitely not let a few future bigwigs fall into the hands of the people in their Beihe hometown, let alone make their childhood miserable.

Tong Mianmian thought he would see his sister Tong Zhenzhen, but he didn't want to see a strange woman. She was stunned, and her watery eyes were full of doubts.

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