Chapter 65

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When receiving the notice, Tong Xuelu was stunned.

She thought that after Liu Dongchang's accident, the government would send someone else to take charge of the hotel. She never thought that this person would be herself.

After all, with her age and qualifications, she would not be in her turn anyway.

Could it be that Wen Rugui used her relationship to help herself?

But she quickly rejected this conjecture.

Wen Rugui will help her solve her difficulties, but she will not use her contacts to help herself find a position.

And as far as the relationship between the two is concerned, if he really does that, he should tell himself in advance.

After much deliberation, she thought of Su Yueshen.

Although she didn't know what Su Yueshen's identity was, the people who would go to the bullpen in the 1960s and 1970s were very awesome people.

And the group of people who were rehabilitated first were even more awesome.

It is 1976, and that ten years will not be announced until next month, but Su Yueshen is now rehabilitated, which shows that his identity and status are not simple.

She saved his son, so he used the position of hotel manager as a gift.

Tong Xuelu thought about it, and felt that this conjecture was the closest to the truth.

The appointments are all down, and she will definitely not refuse.

Instead of personally managing yourself, it is better to be a hotel manager to take care of others!

Upon receiving the appointment letter, Tong Xuelu wanted to share it with Wen Rugui the first time.

She cleaned up, and then went out with Tong Mianmian.

When she came to the post office, she dialed the number she remembered in her heart.

The call was quickly connected, and it was the same female voice before, and the other party seemed to recognize her when she heard her voice.

This time Wen Ru returned quickly.

"it's me."

As soon as Tong Xuelu heard his voice, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitched up: "Guess what good things have happened to me?"

The corners of Wen Rugui's mouth also raised: "I can't guess."

If it were replaced in modern times, Tong Xuelu might have been coquettish or flirted with tenderness.

But now someone is staring at her on the phone, and there are many people around, the most important thing is a dime per minute!

She can only make a quick decision: "I have just been appointed as the manager of a state-run hotel!"

Wen Rugui was startled for a moment: "Congratulations, I believe you can do the job!"

Tong Xuelu curled her lips: "I think so too. By the way, I plan to invite everyone to have a meal the day after tomorrow. Can you come back?"

Wen Rugui didn't even think about it and said, "Yes."

The smile in Tong Xuelu's eyes grew stronger: "Then I will wait for you to come back."

Wen Rugui let out an "um", and after the other phone hung up, he reluctantly hung up the phone.

An Yuemei's eyes kept staring at Wen Rugui.

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