Chapter 34

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Unexpectedly, such a small restaurant is no less than Gong Dou.

It's really interesting.

I have to introduce here. In a state-owned hotel, the manager has the highest status, who is mainly responsible for procurement and other tasks.

Ranked second is the master master, who is equivalent to the second in command of state-owned hotels.

Now this one and the second one obviously didn't deal with each other. They couldn't urinate in a pot, and there was a fight.

Liu Dongchang was somewhat scrupulous about Master Meng. After staring at him for a while, he turned his head and scanned the faces of Tong Xuelu and Tan Xiaoyan, and finally went shopping alone with a dark face.

Tong Xuelu is so good-looking, it’s not convenient to take her out for shopping.

In addition, what happened just now, he didn't want to see her at all at this moment.

As for Tan Xiaoyan, let alone, he couldn't wait to transfer her away immediately to save time to drag him down.

As soon as Liu Dongchang left, Master Meng also stood up: "Xiao Guo, follow me in. I will teach you how to cut vegetables."

"Yes, Master."

I heard from Su Xiuying that Guo Weiping has been here for two years and is still a temporary worker.

And in the past two years, his so-called craftsmanship has only learned to cut meat.

That is, Guo Weiping does all the meat that needs to be cut or chopped when the meat comes back from the restaurant.

Today Master Meng began to teach him how to cut vegetables. Guo Weiping was so happy that he followed Master Meng to the kitchen.

Tong Xuelu was very emotional when she saw it. If she was allowed to learn the arts like this, she would have slipped away early.

After Master Meng and Guo Weiping went to the kitchen, only Tong Xuelu and Tan Xiaoyan were left in the hall.

Tan Xiaoyan glared at her: "What are you doing in a daze? Don't you hurry up and clean the hall?"

Tong Xuelu gave her a cool look: "One and a half people, I will clean the other side, and you will clean this one."

Tan Xiaoyan's eyes were almost falling: "You are new here. You did all these things. I only collect money and tickets!"

Tong Xuelu smiled: "You are reminding me that we will take turns to collect money in the future. We will clean and wash the dishes half as well. If you are unwilling, you can tell the manager yourself."

As a waiter in a state-owned hotel, in addition to serving dishes and cleaning dishes, you also have to collect money and tickets.

In the past, when Su Xiuying was here, Su Xiuying was responsible for sanitation and serving dishes. Tan Xiaoyan was only responsible for collecting money and tickets. Su Xiuying was also very dissatisfied, but because Tan Xiaoyan was a related household, she had to swallow her anger.

Before Tong Xuelu came, she wanted to get along with Tan Xiaoyan, but she didn't expect that she would be invincible when she came. In this case, she doesn't need to be polite to her.

Tan Xiaoyan's cheeks bulged, and her anger became a bulging frog.

If it was in the past, she would take the initiative to sue Liu Dongchang without her, but after what happened in the morning, where would she dare?

Tong Xuelu didn't bother to pay attention to her, and began to clean the table and chairs on the east side.

After cleaning up, she sat in a daze on the chair.

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