Chapter 27

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Wen Rugui put the phone back.

Operator An Yuemei stared at his face, her eyes widened: "Researcher Wen, you are smiling!!"

Wen Rugui was startled when he heard the words, and then an uncomfortable expression flashed under his eyes.

He coughed, returned to his usual indifferent appearance, nodded to the other party and turned away.

As soon as Wen Rugui left, An Yuemei took the enamel tank and ran to the personnel office next door to ask for hot water. By the way, she shared her excitement with the colleague next door.

"Do you know? A woman called just now to find Researcher Wen! The most important thing is that Researcher Wen laughed!"

After An Yuemei finished speaking, she looked like an idiot: Researcher Wen looked so beautiful when she laughed.

"Really? I have been in the center for several years, and I have never seen Researcher Wen smile!"

"I haven't seen it either! But I haven't heard that Researcher Wen has a target. Could it be his mother who called me?"

As soon as this word came out, the whole office fell silent.

After the man said it, everyone didn't talk, and he looked dumbfounded: "Why are you not talking anymore? Did I say something wrong?"

An Yuemei returned to her senses, glanced outside, and said in a low voice: "Researcher Wen's mother divorced and left Wen's house many years ago. I heard that she has remarried and has other children. You should never be there after this. Mentioned in front of him!"

The man said "Ah" and his mouth opened wide: "I know, I will definitely not mention it in the future! I really didn't expect Researcher Wen to be so pitiful, no wonder I don't laugh at ordinary times!"

Several people chatted for a few more words and then they broke up.

Wen Rugui didn't know that they were talking about themselves behind their backs.

He went back to the research room, came out soon, and walked to the dean's office with long legs.

Dean Zhuang Zhenghui saw him come in, put down the pen in his hand and asked, "Rugui, why are you here? Did you encounter any difficulties?"

Wen Rugui squeezed the hand on his side, and his voice still sounded faint: "Dean, I want to take a day off tomorrow."

Zhuang Zhenghui raised his eyebrows: "Why are you suddenly asking for leave? Is there something wrong with your grandpa's body?"

Wen Rugui shook his head: "No, my grandpa is okay. I personally want to take a day off."

Zhuang Zhenghui's sharp eyes looked at him: "The development task has just been completed, OK, then I will approve it for you."

Wen Rugui passed the prepared leave slip.

Zhuang Zhenghui signed the name with a fountain pen, and when he went back, he suddenly said: "You kid is not too young anymore, it's time to find someone!"

Wen Rugui: "..."

Zhuang Zhenghui said again: "When I was your age, children could make soy sauce. If you can't find a partner, the organization can arrange it for you!"

Wen Rugui took the request for leave: "Don't bother to organize."

Zhuang Zhenghui raised his eyebrows: "So you can solve it by yourself?"

Wen Rugui paused before nodding slightly: "Yeah."

"That's fine, then I can wait to eat your wedding candy!"

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