Chapter 38

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After Tan Xiaoyan knew that Tong Xuelu couldn't help herself introduce someone, she returned to her previous arrogant appearance and looked at people through her nostrils.

Tong Xuelu didn't bother to care about her, as long as she didn't make a mistake, everyone could live in peace.

In addition to doing her own duties, she also helped Master Meng wash the dishes. In return, Master Meng would fill her with a spoonful of meat every time.

When he arrived at Tan Xiaoyan, Master Meng's hands began to have a seizure, and trembling ceaselessly, until at most two or three pieces of meat were left in the end.

Tan Xiaoyan was furious every time, but the person she met was Master Meng, not to mention that Liu Dongchang no longer helped her now, even before, Liu Dongchang did nothing against Master Meng.

It is estimated that Tan Xiaoyan herself did not expect that she just wanted to give Tong Xuelu off her horse that day, but she didn't want to be led by Tong Xuelu, and finally turned into the current situation.

Liu Dongchang ignored her, and other people in the state-owned hotel ignored her. She seemed to be isolated.

After lunch, the state-owned hotel became quiet again.

Tong Xuelu took out the junior high school textbook and looked at it.

Although she had taken the college entrance examination before Chuanshu, the content of the exam was completely different from what she is now. Besides, several years have passed, and all her knowledge has been returned to the teacher.

After the college entrance examination is resumed next year, it will also be divided into liberal arts and sciences, and the subjects to be tested are Chinese, mathematics and politics.

Among them, liberal arts add to the examination of history and geography, and science add to the examination of physics and chemistry.

She intends to apply for science.

Between liberal arts and science, she is better at science. In her previous life, she applied for science in the college entrance examination.

She opened the mathematics textbook for junior high school and went through it quickly.

The question is not difficult, especially compared with later mathematics. It can be said to be too simple. Later, the various traps of the mathematics exam were overwhelming.

It’s just been a long time since I learned it, and many formulas and problem-solving ideas have been forgotten.

As the saying goes, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen. She took out a notebook and pen to quickly transcribe some important formulas.

Both the book and the pen were given to her by Wen Rugui, along with the books.

She only found out when she sorted out the books that day.

Speaking of her, she seems to be more and more uncomfortable. Looking back, she has to think about what to give him.

She shook her head and returned her attention to studying.

The lobby was quiet and there were occasional noises from the kitchen cutting vegetables. It was Guo Weiping who was practicing cutting radishes.

Tong Xuelu earnestly checked the formula, a ray of sunlight came in through the glass window, and a beam of light shone on her face warmly, dyeing her hair golden yellow.

When Fang Wenyuan and a group of colleagues came over, they saw this picture.

The daylight was tilted, and dust was flying in the air. She was sitting at the table and chair with one hand supporting her chin, half of her body bathed in sunlight and half hidden in the shadows.

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