Chapter 69

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Tong Xuelu took the notebook the next day to interview Master Wu and Manager Zhou of Caizhan.

Master Wu attached great importance to this interview. He usually wears sloppy clothes and does not care if his clothes are often stained with pig blood.

But today he deliberately put on a set of clothes that he would only wear in the New Year. His hair was shiny and slippery. He went to the supply and marketing agency and waited for Tong Xuelu early in the morning.

As soon as Tong Xuelu arrived, he changed from his previous arrogant appearance, poured water for her personally, and took out the snacks he had brought over.

Too diligent.

Master Wu nervously pulled his clothes: "Manager Tong, do you think I'm okay today?"

Tong Xuelu almost didn't smile: "Master Wu will catch up with someone as the groom's official like this. There is not much time. Let's start the interview now."

When he heard the words interview, Master Wu's face was grave, and he suddenly became more serious and nervous.

Tong Xuelu asked a few pre-arranged questions. Actually, she didn't need to ask them. Once Master Wu spoke, he didn't want to stop.

He started to learn **** pigs and how to become a master meat seller in supply and marketing cooperatives through various selections, all kinds of hardships, grievances and inspirations.

The hearer was sad and the listener shed tears.

Master Wu moved herself so that her eyes were flushed. To show his admiration, Tong Xuelu also suppressed her eyes.

Finally, after two hours, Master Wu stopped his speech.

Tong Xuelu closed the book and said, "That's all for today's interview. I will post it in our hotel when I look back and wait for the materials to be sorted out."

Master Wu still has some ideas: "Is this enough information? Do you want me to say more?"

Tong Xuelu shook his head: "Enough, if there is anything you don't understand, I will come over and ask Master Wu again at that time."

Master Wu looked regretful: "Well, if you don't understand, you must ask me, Manager Tong!"

Tong Xuelu nodded and stood up, and at the same time took away a piece of pork that Master Wu gave her.

Then she went to the food station to do an interview.

After coming back, she sorted and polished the information into articles, making sure to make the people who read the story burst into tears.

Then she went to the bookstore to buy some rice paper, then went to the department store to cut a piece of red cloth back.

Then, let Tong Jiaming help copy the article on rice paper. Tong Jiaming's writing is more upright and beautiful than her, so she won't be ugly.

In addition to Fang Jingyuan's arrival the next day, Pu Jianyi also brought a group of colleagues from the Public Security Bureau to join in.

On the third day, Shen Wanrong brought a few children over to the restaurant to eat, and Jiang Danhong also came over.

Everyone is full of praise for the delicacy of Mala Tang.

The people around saw that more and more people came into the restaurant to eat, all of them touched their stomachs, and there was no trace of poisoning, and gradually they became more vigilant.

In the following day or two, several guests came to the house, all for the purpose of tasting Mala Tang.

The real change happened after Tong Xuelu made the interview report into a newspaper and posted it in the hotel.

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