Chapter 54

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Seeing her dazed look, Wen Rugui eased her tone.

"I won't tell the teacher about this, and I won't mention it again in the future. As for Comrade Jiao, I will let my grandfather help pay attention to suitable **** men."

a bolt from the blue.

Five thunderstorms hit the top.

Silently choked.

Just now, even if he misunderstood that he had chosen Zhou Yan as his son-in-law, she didn't feel so uncomfortable in her heart.

But now he actually said he wanted his grandfather to introduce Yun Shi to the object. What does it mean that she doesn't understand?

Zhong Shulan's face suddenly turned pale, and she stared at him blankly.

Upon seeing this, Wen Rugui frowned and said: "Mother, are you okay?"

Zhong Shulan came back to her senses slowly, and shook her head stiffly: "I'm fine, it's getting late, I have to go back to cook."

Wen Rugui saw her face so ugly, worriedly escorted her to the door and watched her disappear into the corner of the corridor.

It seems that Madam is really worried about Comrade Jiao's life-long events.

Wen Rugui thought for a while and locked the door and went out.

He first went to call the old man, talked about Comrade Jiao, and asked him to help pay attention to suitable **** men.

Old man Wen naturally has no choice but to laugh at him after he has no object, and he still has a leisurely sentiment to worry about others.

Wen Rugui is also accustomed to the old man's ridicule.

After hanging up the phone, he went to the dean's office again and said the same thing again.

The dean saw him talking about this in person, naturally guessing that he Jiao Yunshi didn't mean a man or a woman, so he didn't get the two of them together, and he responded with full mouth.

Here, Zhong Shulan looked dull and walked outside, only to wake up when the cool breeze blows.

When I woke up, sadness came from it.

She was very optimistic about Wen Rugui and her daughter Yunshi, and didn't want Wen Rugui to have no sexual affection for her daughter. No matter how thick-skinned she was, she couldn't speak again.

She asked Zhou Yan to speak nicely in front of Wen Rugui. Last time she asked Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan also said that it was okay.

She thought it was because Wen Rugui didn't refuse, so she came here this time.

I almost made a mess when I didn't want to!

The more she thought about it, the more she felt ashamed, and at the same time feeling uncomfortable for her daughter.

Zhong Shulan didn't want to be seen by her husband and daughter in this way, and stayed outside for a long time before returning.

In fact, Zhou Yan is also responsible for this matter.

After Zhong Shulan asked him, he gave him full acceptance, and afterwards he did give it to him once.

It's just that he talked in a joking tone, so Wen Rugui didn't take it seriously, and stopped him as soon as he spoke.

After the laboratory got busy, he forgot about the matter and never mentioned it before Wen Rugui.

Later Zhong Shulan asked him, he felt that he was doing his best, but Wen Rugui did not agree. Later, he thought that since Wen Rugui was boring, he would just pay attention to other **** men.

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