Chapter 70

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Uncle Zong ran home panting.

Looking at him like this, Old Man Wen disgusted and said: "Xiao Zong, you are not too young, so you can relax a little bit."

Uncle Zong: "Commander, I, I saw the tender grass..."

Old man Wen stared, and quickly pulled Uncle Zong back: "Where did you see the tender grass? You made it clear to me."

Uncle Zong gasped for a while before he calmed down: "Commander, I saw Girl Nencao just now when I went to the hospital to visit a friend, and then I found out where she works!"

Master Wen's eyes brightened: "Where? You say it quickly."

Like that unfilial descendant, he only knew about the object of the matter through the mouth of others, and asked him to bring the tender grass back to himself for a look. He actually said that he wanted to ask the other party's opinion!

He entered the laboratory during this period and was too busy to have time to eat. When he asked about the tender grass, he still didn't know when he would wait.

Uncle Zong: "It should be a certain state-owned hotel in the southern part of the city. The commander, the young grass girl is really amazing. I became the manager of the hotel at a young age!"

Old man Wen shook his beard and proudly said: "The young grass girl makes so delicious. Isn't it right to be a hotel manager?"

That is his future granddaughter-in-law, can it be great?

Uncle Zong: "Commander, are you going to the restaurant? I'll go with you then."

Old Man Wen glanced at him, then shook his head like a rattle: "No, you can't go there, the girl Nencao has seen you, won't she recognize you as soon as you pass?"

Uncle Zong: "Commander, do you still have to cover up in the past?"

Old man Wen took it for granted: "Rugui, that stinky boy won't tell me, and I won't tell him, I want to know Nencao secretly!"

Uncle Zong was struck by lightning: "..."

In this way, wouldn't he not be able to eat the things made by the young grass girl?

Although Tong Mianmian's high fever has subsided, his spirit is sluggish and looks very pitiful.

After Tong Xuelu sent her home, he asked Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin to take good care of her, and then went to talk to Shen Wanrong next door before returning to work in the hotel.

After going to the hotel, she held a meeting for everyone as usual, and then asked everyone to speak enthusiastically. Any comments can be raised.

Both Guo Weiping and Meng Qingqing were boring gourds, and shook their heads to express no opinion.

Guo Chunyu raised his hand and said, "Manager Tong, many customers have reported that the portion of Mala Tang is not enough. If you come late, you won't be able to get the queue number. Should we increase the portion?"

"No, just follow the current amount. If you can't eat it, come a little earlier."

Tong Xuelu glanced at her and felt that if the economy was liberated in the future, Guo Chunyu should be a good business man.

They are now getting dead wages, and the restaurant turnover has gone up, but they still get that wage, so why are they so tired?

This is also one of the biggest drawbacks of the collective economy. Many people no longer want to make progress after completing the indicators.

As for how to make money next, Tong Xuelu has a plan in mind, but it is not yet time.

"Let's make some meatballs today."

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