Chapter 17

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Anyone who can be called a full-level green tea has long been drilled into a copper wall and an iron wall, and it is invulnerable.

Tong Xuelu was embarrassed the moment he saw Wen Rugui, and soon calmed down.

She raised her foot and walked towards him.

Li Bihua once said a sentence, it was amazing and complete, only for the world to see it seldom.

With countless admirers in her previous life and chasing all kinds of celebrities and idols, her knowledge is not small, but she is still amazed again when she sees Wen Rugui now.

He was still dressed in a white shirt, standing straight there, his eyebrows resembling mountains, his eyes resembling stars and moons, and his expression indifferent, but still shocking.

Tong Xuelu's face was calm and smiled and said, "Comrade Wen is a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here."

As long as I am not embarrassed, others are embarrassed!

Wen Rugui glanced across her face, and said indifferently: "Hello, Comrade Tong."

"Is Comrade Wen uncomfortable?"


Wen Rugui replied, and after speaking, he seemed to feel too cold.

So I added: "My grandpa is not feeling well in his stomach. I sent him to the hospital for a checkup by the doctor."

His grandfather joined the army in his early years and left a lot of roots of the disease. In addition, now that he is getting older, the doctor has asked him to avoid food. Uncle steals.

Yesterday he hid and killed a bottle of liquor with his old comrades-in-arms. Today, both of them were sent to the hospital.

In view of the last time he pretended to be sick and tricked him to go back to blind date, this time he received a call, he thought he was lying again.

"The elderly have weaker stomachs, so be careful."

Tong Xue's green red lips are slightly hooked, and the pear vortex at the corner of her mouth is shallow, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

It's as if she was not the person who was clamoring that you had to be hardened in the hall just now.


Wen Rugui responded indifferently, and did not mention the matter just now.

As if the person who had looked strange before was not him.

He's really a handsome, high-EQ guy who is so good at seeing through.

His favorability in Tong Xuelu's heart immediately went up biubiu, which was the same as the turnover of a certain treasure on Double Eleven.

But at this time her thoughts were all on the best products in her hometown. After paying the medical bills, she said goodbye to Wen Rugui.

Wen Rugui watched Tong Xuelu's figure leave and was about to go back to the room. Then when he turned around, he saw a white-haired head in the corner, looking sneakily toward this side.

Wen Rugui sighed and walked over and said, "Grandpa, why did you come out?"

Grandpa Wen didn't answer his question. He looked in the direction of Tong Xuelu's disappearance, hit him with an arm and said, "Who is that girl? How come Grandpa hasn't seen it before?"

Wen Rugui said without blinking his eyes, "It's a new colleague from the base."

Old man Wen stared at his face suspiciously for a while, and retorted loudly and loudly: "Impossible! You don't fool me! Your base doesn't have such a young and beautiful girl!"

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