Chapter 47

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When Tong Xuelu came to the state-run hotel, there was a girl about eighteen or nineteen years old standing in front of the hotel.

He has a long face, big eyes, and two big braids. The figure is not tall, but compared to Tan Xiaoyan's five-fifth figure, it looks much better.

Tong Xuelu walked over and smiled: "You are Comrade Meng Qingqing, right?"

The niece of Master Meng, the person who temporarily replaced her during this period.

Meng Qingqing noticed Tong Xuelu early in the morning.

On the busy street, Tong Xuelu appeared as if a white steamed bun suddenly emerged from a cage of wotou. It was white and tender, and it was so attractive.

It's just that she didn't expect that the other party was Tong Xuelu.

Her face flushed slightly, and she said a little excitedly: "Are you Comrade Tong?"

Tong Xuelu glanced at her red cheeks, feeling a little strange in her heart, but nodded and said: "Yes, I am Tong Xuelu. You can call me Xuelu."

Meng Qingqing's mouth exclaimed, and her big eyes flickered and looked at her: "Comrade Tong, you look so beautiful! I have never seen someone as good-looking as you when I grow up!"

? ?

Dare to feel that she is so excited because of her beauty?

Before Tong Xuelu had time to speak, there was a cold sneer behind him: "Smuggler!"

Tong Xuelu rolled his eyes at the sky, knowing whose voice the voice is without having to look back.

Meng Qingqing's face turned red, and she shouted in embarrassment, "Sister Xiaoyan."

Tan Xiaoyan snorted again from her nostrils: "People are coming to work today. It's useless for you to flatter, it's better to save some saliva!"

Meng Qingqing was obviously a thin-skinned girl, her neck was flushed now, her back crouched, as if she couldn't wait to shrink herself into a ball.

Tong Xuelu turned around to face Tan Xiaoyan.

Suddenly he covered his nose and took a step back with disgust: "Did you not brush your teeth?"

Tan Xiaoyan was taken aback, her face flushed with Chinese characters: "You didn't brush your teeth, I brush my teeth every day!"

Tong Xuelu took a step back: "Impossible, if you brush your teeth, why are you talking so stinky?"


Tan Xiaoyan suddenly turned red and white with anger, her swollen eyes stared at Tong Xuelu.

Behind Meng Qingqing, seeing Tong Xuelu's mouth, he was furious with Tan Xiaoyan, her eyes shining brightly.

No wonder the uncle and Guo Weiping claimed that Tong Xuelu was a great person, she was really great.

She looks so beautiful and can say so.

Oh, I really like her.

Tong Xuelu didn't know that she had captured the heart of a fan girl in just a few words.

Soon, the manager Liu Dongchang came to open the door.

Then Master Meng and Guo Weiping also followed, and there was a woman in her forties and fifty years who came with them.

At this meeting, Tong Xuelu discovered that Master Meng’s hand was injured, and his right hand was put in a plaster, wrapped in a bandage and hung around his neck.

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