Prologue- A School of Wonder

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???: ...

???: ...

???: Where... am I?

???: It's so dark. What's going on?

???: Huh?

??? (2): Hajime is that you?

???: Huh? Chiaki?

The light clears up

Hajime: What are you doing here?

Chiaki: I don't know. I fell asleep and suddenly I woke up here.

Hajime: Where're the others?!

Chiaki: The other teammates?

Hajime: Yes! We have to find them now!

Chiaki: Okay, it appears we're in a classroom.

Hajime: sigh Well let's take a look outside shall we?

Chiaki: Yep.

Hajime opens the door to a school hallway

Hajime: A school?

Chiaki: Hm... strange, maybe we can find the others?

Hajime: I just hope they appeared in here somewhere.

What even is this place? Why does it remind me of somewhere else... Ugh forget it, I have a team to find!

Hajime: Where do you think they could be?

Chiaki: Wait, do I see Zhongli?

Hajime: Wait, IT IS?!

???: Hajime?! Chiaki?!

Hajime: Zhongli! It's so great to see you here.

???: Gosh I wandered around the entire school looking for a familiar face and finally found you!

Chiaki: That's great!

???: Oh yeah, someone came up to me that said we had ultimate talents.

Hajime: Really?

???: Yep. I can't remember who they are but hopefully, you'll find out.

Hajime: So... what's your talent? We're still trying to know everyone before our talents are told.

???: Oh mine? I guess you can say I'm Zhongli, the Ultimate Geo Master. Nothing much.


Hajime: Interesting. Did you spot any of the heroes roam around?

Zhongli: Not that I remember but... hm. I did see someone wandering around.

Chiaki: Who was it?

Zhongli: Not too sure, I couldn't get a good glimpse of them.

Hajime: Alright... alright, don't sweat on it. We'll go ahead and search for them ourselves.

Zhongli: Good luck!

We continued our search around the school and came across another friend of ours. It was surprising how we already found 2 people. I wonder where the other six are...

Chiaki: What did you find?

Hajime: It appears that it's Kirby!

Chiaki: Huh?

Hajime: Hey!

???: Hajime?

Hajime: It's so great to see you!

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