Chapter 4| Eclipse of Tides| Daily Life

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I can't seem to understand what was going on. Hajime earlier on explained to me a lot of our friends were dead. However, I can't seem to understand that so easily... Kirby, Sonic, Mario, Byleth, and Link. The team members... were dead. I was left with the extra room... searching around the room... wondering where my hope is. Suddenly I heard something from the corner of my ear...

Albedo: W-What... is that sound?

Searching around my room my eyes suddenly came across the music box... it was playing Fodlan Winds. The song that plays when I entered Byleth's room. I never realized how empty this place is. Even Eula is alone... she wasn't there with me. She must be worried sick for the rest of us...

Albedo: Perhaps Hajime's idea was right. Maybe they're back home... Eula has some company at least...

I placed my head on my pillow and found myself slowly drifting off. I could feel the love that my friends had... they're still in there... somewhere.



Announcement from Monokuma: Good morning everyone! It is now 7 am! Rise and shine everyone! Let's make this day great everyone!

My first time waking up to the morning announcement. Hajime explained that we had to meet up at the dining hall so I did as told. I made my way there and... it felt empty.

Chrom: Albedo, it's good to see you today. Usually, I end up seeing Hajime first. It's nice seeing you.

Albedo: Nice seeing you too.

Hajime told me Chrom was usually some jerkwad but... he was relatively nice to me. Perhaps I was imagining things.

Hajime: Morning everyone.

Chrom: Good morning to you Hajime.

Hajime: Do I look okay? I had a rough time sleeping.

Albedo: I'd say you look fine. Nothing looks off.

Chrom: Yeah I agree, if you had trouble sleeping maybe you should've slept more.

Hajime: I'm okay now, luckily.

Albedo: That's good to hear.

Hearing that from Hajime gives me the idea that something went on in his room last night... maybe it was because his bed was uncomfortable? Whatever it was... couldn't have been that bad.

Chiaki: Morning everyone, the second island will open up right?

Albedo: There's an island?

Hajime: Guess I forgot to tell you, we have a school and an island. We switch places from time to time. This time we're going to live in the island.

Albedo: Ah I see.

Childe: Heyoo!!

Chrom: I just realized something, who's going to cook for us now that Byleth is dead.

Albedo: I can go ahead and do so.

Chrom: Great! Thank you so much.

I made my way to the kitchen to make some breakfast for everyone... I have a feeling that whatever is going to happen next won't end well.

Albedo: Breakfast is ready!

Chiaki: Finally, thank you Albedo once again.

I nodded and began to chow down on my food. After some time we all made our way to the 2nd island...

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