Chapter 5| One With a Shining Star

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I felt myself waking up in the middle of the night, there was no reason for me to do so, but yet I decided to. I couldn't sleep all those people who died... everything was hurting, I couldn't understand why... it all felt terrible. I felt terrible about this, I don't remember the reason they all had to die? WHY?! WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE THEM?!!?

Soon, I heard another melody playing, it was... calming, and I looked over.

There it was... Rex Incognito. I felt somewhat at ease... it was calming and I was able to understand something. We have to find the mastermind before it's too late...

Before another life is taken away from us...

I woke up and checked myself in the restroom. I was crying all night so naturally, I looked awful, I didn't know how to react to myself, so I decided to do the best I can to fix myself. I appeared tired still but I'm sure everyone would understand. So many lives were taken away from us...

I made my way to the dining hall and it felt ever so emptier than before. 8 of us were there and none of us bothered to talk. Albedo decided to make our food and we all sat there in silence. We knew the final floor of the school opened up so there was no reason for us not to explore, but apparently, the fourth island opened up too. I wonder what this could mean...

Hajime: Wait... why is the fourth island open as well?

Chiaki: Could it be because we're nearing the end of this game? Can that really be the case?

Monokuma: Actually! What is happening is that you have a new rule set in stone! Instead of switching rooms each time, there is a death or every two weeks. You will now be switching rooms every day! So good luck everyone! I'm sure this change will bring you all together closer.

Chrom: ...

Hajime: Okay... but that didn't explain why you opened the fourth island.

Monokuma: Oh! Well, that's easy, there's stuff for you guys to explore there and I didn't want to leave it all off for last. Enjoooyyyy!!!

Chrom: Whatever.

Chrom has been extremely silent ever since Zhongli died, I wonder if it has to do with his death. Whatever that can be, he's not doing anything like scolding us or something. So I guess we're good for now.

Chiaki: I'm gonna explore the school floors.

Albedo: I'm gonna explore the island.

Pearl: I'll go ahead and explore the island!

Hajime: I'll go see the island.

Chrom: I'll go see the school floors.

Eliwood: I'll go see the island!

Childe: I'll see the island!

Dimitri: I'm going to see the school floors.

Looks like we had ourselves settled, so I made my way to the fourth island...

I went by and saw that the entire island felt like... some type of factory. There was no reason why it was this way, I guess it was another reused island? But there were different qualities to it, there was the small flea market, that didn't change. There was also the warehouse, however, something interesting I noticed was the different parts of the island... there was a small supermarket, a restaurant, and another warehouse... this was strange...

I decided to first head to the small flea market, from there I looked around.

Hajime: There's... not a lot of interesting stuff here. There are just some things you can buy here but overall there's nothing else.

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