Chapter 6| Despair Lands and Hope Ruins| Deadly Life

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Monokuma: Eh?! Aren't you supposed to be asleep by now?! You know how I feel about people breaking rules!

Albedo: No, we have to talk to you about something.

Monokuma: Ooh boy! I can't wait to hear what you have in store for me today!

Chiaki: We're going to ask you something, but I'm afraid you're not going to be able to handle it.

Monokuma: Puhuhu! I'm able to handle anything! So if you let me know, everything will be alright!

Albedo: Alright then...

Monokuma: It better be worth my time though!

Chiaki: We're requesting you to open up the entire school and island.

Monokuma: EH?! I-I can't do that! No way can I!

Albedo: If you don't end up opening up the school and the island. You will face problems.

Monokuma: And how are you going to create those problems?! I'm here to stop you all! There's no way you can cause problems!

Chiaki: Actually, we do know how to cause problems.

Monokuma: W-W-Wah?!

Albedo: Yes, and that being that you ultimately lose...

Monokuma: Hey, what is that supposed to mean?!

Albedo: You ended up killing all these people right? That means if you don't end up opening the school and island, we're going to find a way to get all the information needed to escape the school/island. Don't underestimate me Monokuma, you may have trouble.

Monokuma: Grr, damn you Albedo. I'll never open up the rest of the school and island! Now you two go back to sleep already!

Chiaki: No we won't, we want answers.

Monokuma: Puhuhu, you think I'm that easy to bribe?

Albedo: Yes, because I know that the traitor and the mastermind are still alive. The traitor and the mastermind were with us, and now we're going to find them.

Chiaki: Yes, so you won't be able to stop us from doing that.

Monokuma: ...


Albedo: So, what do you say? Do you open the school and island or not?

Monokuma: I'm feeling rather curious of what you guys come up with, which makes you really think, don't ya think?

Chiaki: Give us the answer already you damn bear.

Monokuma: Hm... unless you can wake everyone up and convince them. It's not happening! Toodles!

Albedo: Damn, we have to wake up everyone. Convincing them shouldn't be too hard because I'm sure everyone is just done with this game and wants to get out.

Chiaki: Yeah, come on then, we better go ahead and wake them up. Who knows what Monokuma plans on doing.

We walked out of the gym and headed on over to the living quarters, aka our rooms. When we got there we got ready to knock on everyone's door.

Chiaki: Who do we end up knocking the door to first?

Albedo: I think we should open the door up to Eliwood, he seems the most reasonable to agree with us.

Chiaki: But will he answer? He loves sleep and I'm not too sure he will actually respond to our knocking.

Albedo: We have to try at least, we can't have Monokuma ruling us nonstop...

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